Level 22 Mixist
2nd Σ6.176

Blast Processing 
2nd Σ5.974

1st Σ6.577

12th Σ5.287

GEMS & Knuckles in Pants 
4th Σ5.713

Tetrahedral Packing Problem
  1st/28   Σ29.727   May 30th 2024 2:08am
Of all the major proposals from the last Future Battles round, this is not the one I would have predicted would grab me. But the issue I usually run into with FM formats is that I get obsessed with making imperceptible tweaks to sound design and never actually write anything. So being handed a pile of instruments and told "you have to use these with no changes" was kind of freeing. (In keeping with that, this is purely the GEMS instruments -- no samples, no SN76489.)

The biggest challenge came from fitting all the parts I wanted into 6 channels (which is why this is a packing problem). Not sure how well I pulled this off -- there are a lot of premature note cutoffs.

Instruments used:
000 Flute_Piccolo
025 Pizzicato-Octaves
036 Piano
041 B3 Organ
045 Electric Piano-dark
049 Analog Pad
060 Jass Guitar
061 Muted Pick
069 Mini Moog
070 Rap Bass
074 Vibes-soft
077 Timpani
086 Cowbell
087 Low Tom
093 click kick
098 Rimshot

Made in Furnace.

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Lonestar1147 - Sunset Sparkles
Level 27 Chipist
post #190748 :: 2024.05.30 8:46am
  cabbage drop and Lasertooth liēkd this
I'm glad to hear that the battle was helpful to kick something off for you - and you managed to make something that sounds entirely unique and un-GEMS like! The patches are recognizable for sure but the mathy rhythm and moving parts give this a really interesting feel. nice work
Level 16 Chipist
post #190754 :: 2024.05.30 12:28pm
  cabbage drop and Lasertooth liēkd this
really like the sound design!!

if u told me this was gems in any other context i wouldn't
believe u lol, it's that good :D
Level 11 Chipist
Autumn Brushtail
post #190848 :: 2024.06.01 2:53am
  cabbage drop and Lasertooth liēkd this
This one is extremely interesting. I don't think I would've heard anything like this out of these presets anywhere but here.
Level 22 Mixist
post #190891 :: 2024.06.01 1:44pm
  cabbage drop and Blast_Brothers liēkd this
As I don't have any particular interest in the Genesis, I'm not sure I would have heard of these presets anywhere but here! BotB brings disparate threads together.
Level 11 Chipist
post #190899 :: 2024.06.01 4:15pm
  cabbage drop and Lasertooth liēkd this
This sounds so mesmerizing! I really like it
Level 13 XHBist
post #190919 :: 2024.06.01 7:55pm
  cabbage drop and Lasertooth liēkd this
i love this style of music!
Level 26 Chipist
post #190931 :: 2024.06.02 12:11am
  cabbage drop and Lasertooth liēkd this
Heck yeah!! I love this track a lot. This is actually the kind of vibe I was initially going for when I started my own track, although I ended up going in a different direction -- so I'm stoked you made this!! Love the textures and intricate rhythms. Great creative use of the presets.
Level 20 Chipist
post #191438 :: 2024.06.06 6:32pm
  cabbage drop and Lasertooth liēkd this
Love the arps that detune as they fade away. Such a playful tambre
Level 20 Chipist
post #191508 :: 2024.06.08 8:22am
  Lasertooth liēkd this
Uniquely rhythmic, but also sort of spacey and ambient — a cool mix! Reminds me of some Streets of Rage 3 tunes for sure.
Level 31 Chipist
post #191584 :: 2024.06.09 7:13am
  Lasertooth liēkd this
this is gorgeous - just the right amount of harmonic content involved for me, strikes an ideal balance

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