Level 22 Chipist
PC Engine / TurboGrafx16

156th Σ4.788

119th Σ4.999

146th Σ4.779

134th Σ4.797

shit chipants 
147th Σ4.782

Spirit Dough
  141st/284   Σ24.145   Feb 7th 2015 11:46am
So I took my soul in my hand, flexing the malleable spirit-dough into a whip-like shape! Then, I struck an empty Deflemask project with it. This is how it sounds like to do that.

you could also try using your penis,

previous entry
rTrunks - Numb Skin Against the Wind

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Caillard98 - aclm?
Level 8 Criticist
post #53176 :: 2015.02.09 8:43pm
  chinanewyr, tothejazz, Xaser and Beard liēkd this
hey you should strike some other empty projects with it too
Level 14 Chipist
post #53377 :: 2015.02.13 1:54am
  chinanewyr hæitd this
  tothejazz and Beard liēkd this
strike a girl with it :) hehehe
Level 21 Criticist
post #53770 :: 2015.02.19 1:40am
  Beard liēkd this
Lush chord work here
Level 22 Chipist
post #53807 :: 2015.02.19 10:53pm
thank you frogghost and xyz : ))))

bazz i rather strike a boy with it~~~~ ;>
Level 28 Chipist
post #54043 :: 2015.02.23 10:42am
  Beard liēkd this
Level 0 n00b
post #56891 :: 2015.05.08 9:01pm
  gotoandplay, Baron Knoxburry, tothejazz, Beard and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
[My first ever comment on BotB!!!]

While I definitely love the delightfully quirky composition (and the lush chord work, as Xyz pointed out), the real star for me here is your use of the PC Engine sound hardware.

I've been following BotB for a couple years now, since WinterChipVII (and have featured BotB tracks often on NNR - including this one!) But one thing that I have felt is while all the other system's chip tunes make great use of that system's sound capabilities, the HES files have all had an overwhelming tendency to sound like NES+, and come nowhere even remotely close to pushing the HuC6280 capabilities.

However, that is NOT the case here! The voices you mustered are really something fantastic, and for the most part remind me more of SNES than NES. Now THIS is wavetable!

While the compositions themselves on the medal winning HES tracks here in WinterChipX might be more tight, focused and engaging (though perhaps somewhat less cerebral, and interesting), for the sound hardware reasons stated above, I still like this piece exponentially better!

Great work, Beard! :-D
Level 22 Chipist
post #56894 :: 2015.05.09 12:20am :: edit 2015.05.09 12:25am
  raphaelgoulart and Baron Knoxburry liēkd this
thank you so much, NNRguy!!!!! comments like this make me want to make music forever, because someone in this world has shown they appreciate what i do. like damn, i'm beaming with joy atm that you bothered to describe why you like this track!

i'll be honest tho, i made this track in a collective 3-4 hours, really. like, i wanted to bust out one more track for the compo, so the sounds are pretty much just scribbles on instrument perimeters! in fact, these specific sounds came about 10 minutes before i submitted, as it sounded uglier before.

i like my piece the best out of the hes too B) thank you very much you're so nice <33333
Level 0 n00b
post #56927 :: 2015.05.09 5:24am
  raphaelgoulart and Beard liēkd this
Well. Then it seems like you scribbled yourself some magic! :-)

The voice at 0:15 almost sounds NES-like when it starts (but still works stylistically) but it evolves over the piece into something that, when in the middle register made me think of the plucky guitar from "Into the Thick of It" from Secret of Mana [albiet "chipper"]. The "Organy" lead that has the melody before the "chipitar" takes over reminds me of some early SNES game that I can't quite pin down. And my absolute favorite sound in the whole piece is that weird, but wonderful bass. I can't even think of how to describe it, but I hear it in wavetable tracks from time to time, and it's a magical, hallmark wavetable sound to me. It almost sounds like what I'd imagine some of the Galaga ship blow up sounds would sound like if they were pitched that low. And then top it off with white noise that almost sounds like Atari 2600 (or at least periodic noise on an SN76489) and the whole thing just locks together with amazing result.

But all that aside, even if these waveforms were just scribbles, they were still custom waveforms. They were not your garden variety saw or pulse waves that seem waaaaay too common on a system that could just as easily do soooo much more!

PCE sometimes gets a bad rep for sounding "12-bit", and the sad thing is that there is enough underuse of the chip that I understand why it gets the rep. But where people go wrong is in assuming that's all the chip is capable of. I love tracks that show its greater capabilities.

It's between Wavetable and FM for my favorite sound in video games right now...and at the moment, I think I might actually be leaning Wavetable. So, on the one hand, that makes me more critically minded in how it's used, but it also makes me super appreciative of excellent uses of the chip.

Keep up the great work, Beard!

Also, can you send me a link to what you used to make this? I may want to start playing around with it, especially if you can draw your own waves.
Level 5 Mixist
post #56935 :: 2015.05.09 6:19am
What scales did you use man? It's got that nice dreamy Lydian feel :)
Level 22 Chipist
post #56939 :: 2015.05.09 10:07am
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
NNR: is what i used, it's sorta user-unfriendly though and not the best tracker to start with...but it's there!

facebyter: iunno, this is before i semi-paid attention to scales honestly! probably some subconscious scales, at best
Level 9 Playa
post #56952 :: 2015.05.09 3:35pm
  raphaelgoulart and Beard liēkd this
Nice tune

DefleMask 10 was released just now btw.
Level 0 n00b
post #57171 :: 2015.05.15 4:35pm
  raphaelgoulart, Beard and tothejazz liēkd this
Oh, Update for Beard: This track is my new ringtone on my cell phone (replacing "Endless Pursuer" from the PCE port of Snatcher). I wanted you to know how seriously I took this piece. My alarm clock is still the Title Screen from Somer Assault. Maybe I'll find some other BotB track to replace it. :-)
Level 22 Chipist
post #57176 :: 2015.05.16 1:00am
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
aaa dude, that's awesome. thank you for enjoying this song of mines so much, man. (▰˘◡˘▰)
Level 28 Chipist
post #148036 :: 2021.10.20 12:51pm

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