Yesss I love this!!
When you think about puzzles, you might think of jigsaws, crosswords, Sudokus, or lists of sentences like "everyone who lives in a green house has a name starting with a vowel". Those are all fair game for this battle. But puzzles can take many forms and present many challenges -- logical deduction, interpreting wordplay, following complex rules, spotting hidden messages or patterns, navigating mazes, cracking codes, assembling pieces into a whole, tracking down obscure trivia, or finding what seemingly disparate things have in common. There's a lot of room for creativity there!
So for the purposes of this battle, a puzzle is any document (or image, or anything you can put in a PDF file) which has a solution, and which contains information a reader can use to find that solution.
(Entrants should also be prepared to give hints in the comments of their puzzle if requested.)
Format: PDF
(and, if multiple formats are allowed, TIC-80)
a-ha moments
smarty pants
For an eclectic sampling of puzzles and related resources, see also here -- these puzzles are all of the "puzzlehunt" style, meaning each answer is an English word or phrase.
Crossword made with Crosserville.