Level 28 XHBist

5th Σ5.793

15th Σ5.435

13th Σ5.464

9th Σ5.419

nature in pants 
21st Σ5.188

Portal to Inner Peace
  10th/42   Σ27.299   Jul 18th 2023 11:49am
A field recording battle! Even though I didn't ask for this addition, I'm really into this sort of thing. Good excuse to start using my recorder again, too~

This takes place in the park nearby I visit since childhood.

The idea here is that I'm mostly walking non-stop to give you a tour. All in one single take. No cuts in between. Ready?

0:00 - To start off, I'm on top of a bridge over a stream. Gotta leave it very carefully, otherwise loud sounds from stepping on the wooden boards are guaranteed, as was the case with my first take yesterday.

0:15 - Now, I'm walking towards a narrow path, where nature is moderately appreciated by strollers and athletes. The trees are also moderately tall, which means you can hear the sound of birds flapping their wings to fly from one tree to the other. I am walking barefoot to avoid recording footstep sounds (while keeping the recorder raised and pointing the mics upwards for the same reason), though every once in a while there will be, inevitably, a lot of leaves on the ground I'll be stepping on.

4:25 - We're walking downhill through a more open path, so now you can hear the bird chirps echoing from a distance. Plus, since the trees are taller and more spread out in this area, you can hear the birds chirp all over the place, which provides more spatial listening depth for us.

6:57 - We're approaching the lake where the photo from my photograph entry for this battle was taken. You can hear the crickets.

7:11 - There's a road on a higher level to the other side. But even though the vehicles passing by are loud, the bem-te-vi chirps are LOUDER!

8:03 - You can hear a dog barking from afar. It must be from one of the residential areas, since pets aren't allowed in the park. They sure are allowed in this recording, though, heh.

9:38 - We're approaching another bridge over another stream. The difference here is that the distance between them is much closer than in the first one, so I can record louder sounds, which also happen to be lower pitched. I like to meditate in this spot, since listening to this stream is very relaxing for me.

10:40 - Back to a narrow path, except the forest is much denser here, as evidenced by the constant sound of the leaves I'm stepping on and the branches in my way.

11:50 - You can hear the crickets again as I approach the lake from another side. Not getting too close to the edge, since the ground is muddy and slippery. I'll finish this recording with a splash, by throwing a rock in the water.

And that's a wrap. That was my adventure for this battle. Hope you enjoyed! This was my fourth take and I'm happy with it.

Recorded with my Zoom H4n.

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Blast_Brothers - Border Crossing

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haberchuck - vibrant hues
Level 28 Mixist
post #174229 :: 2023.07.30 10:38pm
  cabbage drop and Tex liēkd this
favourite part was when kaplonk splash
Level 31 Chipist
post #174285 :: 2023.08.01 9:37am
  cabbage drop and Tex liēkd this
i wasnt aware you cld tryhard field recordings until now, wow!
this was a beautiful journey!

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