Level 28 Chipist
SNES / Super Famicom

solar power 
12th Σ5.445

naked power 
15th Σ5.341

cool breeze 
4th Σ6.048

face melt 
17th Σ5.408

burning pants 
15th Σ5.207

One With the Chips of Yesterday and Today
  8th/103   Σ27.450   Aug 5th 2012 12:14pm
Summer Chip is a summer for the lesser-used formats to have their selection of custom music specially made for them. The following SNES tune does, to some extent, eventually bring the NES and the SNES together (the NES waveforms obviously being sampled)... without the NES's own noise (that's due to the fact that SNESMod doesn't support noise generation, though theoretically I could have programmed that in... and I decided against sampled noise due to memory limitations for a good quality noise).

The samples do not come from any SNES game in particular (actually, I can guarantee some or most of these were never used in a SNES game back in the 1990s), and as a matter of fact, a few of the chip-samples were custom-produced by me by raw importing a text file I made in HexEdit so I could get the best result.

The SPC700 memory is jam-packed with 54 patterns (SNESMod can only take up to 64, so I'm pushing it here), 22 samples with their lengths totaling to 40,720 (that's quite a bit... at 44,100 hz sample rate, that's roughly one second worth of music... and you can only fit around two and a quarter seconds of that in there at a time!), and echo with a 32 ms delay, complete with non-normal FIR parameters (I'm probably one of the very few, if not the only person in the world that has fooled around with this one... though I may be wrong). Hint: The echo is not always on...

I also tagged the SPC myself. This tune is longer than three minutes... yes, you heard me, it's longer than three minutes. It goes on longer than three minutes!

previous entry
coda - rude behaviour

nextious entry
Interrobang Pie - summer chip 99 with flake
Level 28 Chipist
post #19514 :: 2012.08.05 12:22pm
The .mp3 render was produced via recording it on bsnes 0.5 (it does have an audio recording feature). I wish I could produce something better than 128 kbps for this one (I had 192 kbps in mind due to the hi-hats being partially lost due to audio compression)... but the filesize was apparently overkill for a whopping 10 MB, because the upload got rejected (I could tell because I got bumped back to the upload screen with no error). Don't worry, I got a list of SPC players right here for Mac, Windows and Linux if you want to listen to this at full quality: http://snesmusic.org/v2/players.php
Level 22 Chipist
post #19532 :: 2012.08.06 1:31pm
I like this. Good job.
Level 24 Chipist
Interrobang Pie
post #19812 :: 2012.09.04 12:41pm
Good to see something heavily melodic!!
Level 27 Renderist
post #19849 :: 2012.09.04 9:52pm
  uUni liēkd this
sounds like something that a PSX or PS2 RPG would have used to sound "hip". overall a very enjoyable experiment.
Level 28 Chipist
post #20157 :: 2012.10.01 4:14am :: edit 2012.10.01 4:14am
For those of you curious: It took me seven tries to get it right once I had completed the tune. Two of them overflowed the SPC700 memory, and the rest of them were done to refine bad loop points (I actually don't mind my loop points being slightly off, as I find BRR to be very forgiving... sometimes. If done incorrectly, you may get a small glitch, or you may end up not hearing the sample again while it is looping and instead get glitch noise. So far, I've only bothered to reuse one of those glitched samples.).

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