OK, where to start.
Raijin, no need to apologize, my friend. It turns out you are right! Here's how, VGMM uses the MAME core for YM2612 audio emulation. It is a later one that was modified according to Nemesis's massive research on the chip (die cuts et al!) This included the information on how to access CSM and more hardware accurate timing for certain things.
I checked some of the code used for VGMM, and sure enough, CSM is included. However, Shiru made no efforts to make this feature usable within his tracker so that we can play with it. This is technically poor CSM implementation.
Multi-mode is just a little limited, but the workaround is using the multiple knobs. I'm working on some songs that will use Special Mode in VGMM. Great for chilled jazzy 4 part chords, and still gives you 5 FM and 4 PSG channels to play with. Will hopefully have one for the Summer competition. Fun stuff!
Rainwarrior, thank you for listening. It means a lot coming from an experienced Chipist who has been around the block, as they say.
Warlord, same to you, and also really enjoy how you do your chilled funk and 4 note arpeggiations, especially your SGEN stuffs! I will certainly go through all you guys's songs to vote and post.
Tails, I have added you to my Skype contacts. I don't use it hardly at all, but I would like to say hi sometime... when there is time. Very busy day, and last night I worked 14 hours at my warehouse.
Yes, I remember your bossa nova SGen tune, I think I still have it on my iPod! It was "Boss" man! :) I forgot about that. My mind's in constant flux these days!
Thank you also for the links to the Valley Bell's VGM tools. Yeah, I found this before, but it's a good reminder that I need to look into utilizing these so I can optimize my music for future productions. I also not only turn the PSG balance all the way to the max, I also turn my FM instruments down a little so I can hear both the samples and PSG in better balance. It makes PSG very loud in VGM Play, though! ;)
We'll touch base through Skype sometime, maybe next Saturday... we shall see what life brings!
Take care everyone!