Level 31 Chipist
post #180812 ::
2023.12.12 6:07am
mirageofher, kilowatt64, cabbage drop, argarak and Lint_Huffer liēkd this
mirageofher, kilowatt64, cabbage drop, argarak and Lint_Huffer liēkd this
lolll i appreciated the writeup here. this kind of thing still bounces off of me too, though i wonder if i could get more used to it. it's really not how i like to think about making music!
if i may contribute briefly a thought to this rant, let's take a simple effect, vibrato:
trackers - type a few letters and numbers like "HA4" and there is vibrato. easy, 10/10
piano rolls - make an automation clip, draw/generate pitch event data, midi cc1. not the best, but certainly serviceable, 7/10
puredata - you are generating the system that makes the vibrato as well as figuring out how and when to trigger it where you want it to sound. it is powerful, but at what cost, 2/10
if i may contribute briefly a thought to this rant, let's take a simple effect, vibrato:
trackers - type a few letters and numbers like "HA4" and there is vibrato. easy, 10/10
piano rolls - make an automation clip, draw/generate pitch event data, midi cc1. not the best, but certainly serviceable, 7/10
puredata - you are generating the system that makes the vibrato as well as figuring out how and when to trigger it where you want it to sound. it is powerful, but at what cost, 2/10