Thanks man! I still feel like a total n00b at any kind of tracker as well, haha. The tune sounds great!
And the Mini...yeah, I only got to play an original Model D once, and it was not in good nick, but it was still a glorious experience. It's truly my dream instrument. I feel like there will always be something missing until I finally get one. I've come close to buying a couple of them, and they slipped through my fingers...and this was back when one could still be had for around $1000. But I was still in high school and college, and just couldn't get that kind of cash.
I'll have to say though, Native Instruments new Monark is absolutely the closest thing I've heard or played. Actually, it is hands-down, without a doubt, THE best emulation of an analog synth I know of. It would fool anybody. So for now it will have to suffice :) It has totally infected me with Moog madness once again though.
I was in a bad car accident two days ago that totaled my car, so that's priority right now, hehe :) (don't worry, I'm ok)