SO cool and intricate
Got a friend of mine to sing the female parts, and ended up making a rather traditional Finnish sung poem thing; the poem itself is collected from Finnish oral tradition around my hometown from multiple hundreds of years ago.
Hiiri, hiiri, hinkan rakoon,
Katti, katti, kankaan rakoon!
Katista kasvaa kauramanni,
Kauramannista maturi,
Maturista maitopyörä,
Maitopyörästä pötyri,
Pötyristä pöytärinki,
Pöytäringistä rituri,
Riturista rintasolki,
Rintasoljesta soturi,
Soturista sormuskimppu,
Sormuskimpusta kipinä
Kipinästä kissahäntä
Kissahännästä kirkontorni
I'm not sure if I'll leave this as an acapella, it works real well as is
re-submitted for better mastering
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