Level 19 Chipist
Human Voice

110th Σ4.997

148th Σ4.861

107th Σ5.095

flower power 
114th Σ4.998

spring in pants 
118th Σ4.863

Breathe (Demo Version)
  121st/299   Σ24.814   May 29th 2021 10:34am
A song about springtime in the year of our Lord 2021, aka the season when different areas of the USA are coming out of their various COVID lockdowns. Mixed emotions as suddenly the hustle and bustle of regular life returns with a vengeance.

Made with two Game Boys running LSDJ, a DAFM Synth from Kasser Synths (using the Sega Genesis/Megadrive YM2612 chip), and some drum sounds from an old Yamaha keyboard. And my human voice.


The phantom pain in all your limbs
was exorcised, you cried
when you noticed
you weren't hurting anymore
bandages fell off
in a way more sudden, shocking than if they'd been ripped off
and you were better than before
the wooden crutch that we all had to use
you need something to lean on
and in the cold
the bonfire needed kindling

It's gone, just when you needed it
The chip on your shoulder
The rock on the cliff gives way
You saw this moment coming
When something is wrong you feel it
You thought it was every day
The monkey on your backfound a bigger tree
what will it feel like
not to have a monkey anymore
The snow melted months ago
the birds and bees had a merger
first comes the rain and then comes the verdure

Begin to think this was better than
the way it could have been,
with pointed iron spears
the soft approach, the easy sell
severing of things that were unwelcome,
injection of the poison you already knew
charming rectangles always ready
a brave new world with creatures in it
the advertisers waiting, with bated breath
and you safe in your hibernation

It's gone, just when you needed it
The crack in the glacier
The ultimate safety net
The wanted and unwanted
You desperately crave it
You hoped it would stay away

This is what you always wanted
This ain't what you always wanted 

The man is coming and the jig is up
Nowhere left to dance now that it's closing time
You don't have to go but you can't stay
Your name is calling and you're petrified
Nothing more to hear as the wind runs past
the open door with the world below us

It's gone, just when you needed it
The year grows up so quickly
A goldfish in a bowl
It's gone, just when you needed it
Restrictions and the comforts
The loss of cruise control

It's gone, just when you needed it
The chip on your shoulder
The rock on the cliff gives way
You saw this moment coming
When something is wrong you feel it
You thought it was every day

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neozoid - Morel Madness

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Drozerix - What Did They Do 2U?
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #143175 :: 2021.06.25 10:16am
  Sloopygoop liēkd this
loving them vocal bends!

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