Here's the source .vge file... this is what the song was originally supposed to sound like. Have the FM/PSG balance all the way to the left, though: https://app.box.com/s/omcylu9ybraraa5ral3p
Today's song is pun-tastic. I already knows that Sega does what Nintendon't. In a software-related case, Win-does what Mac doesn't. This song also features a near-perfect square wave in the FM section, and a sawtooth (it really only shines at one volume, though)
There's a slight problem with the resulting VGM file which makes me think of FamiTracker in this fashion (not good), so the render is straight out of VGM Music Maker. There is some slight desyncing with the sample because of the tempo being slightly off (if this occurs on real hardware as well... then dang.)... the parameters are just off enough for the sawtooth wave to not work correctly, and this is probably more hardware than software... but the PSG volume balance didn't match up. I actually almost can't match this in VGM Music Maker... these hassles are just enough to make me nervous about trying to make another Sega Genesis song. Well, at least it's not as inconsistent as MIDI... ;)