
Entry Period

Final Results in

17 Entries

Info & Rules
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17 Entries
Ladies, Gents, and others;
we present to you: JummBox!

Time to FINALLY give this format a chance to shine in a major battle of its own.

Round up your friends and family and neighborhood grocer and go wild with what this music creation tool has to offer!

battle idea by Bravoman
Voting Categories
  • Beep Boop • Versatility • Blueprint • Toolbox • Box in Pants
  • All registered users of BotB may vote.
  • All tunes will be rendered to MP3 for voting accessibility.
  • No covers allowed, only original works.
  • Entries that have been previously publicly released are not allowed.
  • While generative processes are permitted if designed by the entrant, they should never be used as a substitute for putting real human effort into your entries on BotB.
Questions and Contact
  • For direct communication join us on IRC!! irc.esper.net #botb       :D/
SUBMIT ENTRY submit jummbox

An online sequencer for sketching and sharing chiptune melodies.  :: read lyceum article

Maximum File Size :: 12.5mb

17 entries submitted :: view entries :: listen entries