>:D mwuhahahaha

2020-05-14 13:41:00

2020-05-14 15:52:35

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Level 30 Chipist
post #120741 :: 2020.05.14 1:41pm
  Elyk Chiparoo and Yekans liēkd this
Oh yeah, just in case theirs any confusion, ye can use the 2a03 for the samples.
But nothing else!!! D:< Reeeeee
Level 31 Chipist
post #120743 :: 2020.05.14 1:48pm
  Elyk Chiparoo and Yekans liēkd this
so the allowed channels are: DPCM, VRC7:0,1,2,3,4,5
Level 8 Chipist
post #120747 :: 2020.05.14 2:09pm :: edit 2020.05.14 2:29pm
  amelia and kleeder liēkd this
  Elyk Chiparoo hæitd this
I got $10 Euro PayPal send to anyone for a VRC7 Tutorial, and Points with Me and Baby for Codeglitch Tutorial, which Baby likes to charge over 100 Euro for unfortunately, his meds are going to be expensive "Baby's First Trip to Co-Ed Psychiatric Care Faucility in Sweden" Yekans.Funkelsteen@gmail.com

We got VRC6. , VRC7:0,1,2,3,4,5 Please help meh with.

Talk to Elyk if you want to AOL Chat room w me I'm kind of Paranoid about that but we could do this on here or Email it doens't matter. We really want to see what all the hubbub is all about and we like the youtube videos. We're seeking a RushJet1 Help from him as well, ask him we pay out. Your time is wourth our Euros, We Chip for the GOld. Thanks

Cpt. Kleed, we are LOLing right now about how u can klick on your badges and Chipitary Emblems there's a whole page about each one each more organized and classy than a wikipedia page. Can't wait to earn some of them for the Snakey the Poobah account to boost our Dopamine levels; accomplishments people, accomplishments!
Level 14 Chipist
post #120751 :: 2020.05.14 2:37pm
  Elyk Chiparoo and kleeder liēkd this
Wow, this was crazy! I've never used the VRC7 expansion before . . . and I'd be lying if I said I understood how I got what I got (I just started tweaking knobs :^) ). That said, you can do some pretty sweet things with it!
Level 8 Chipist
post #120752 :: 2020.05.14 2:38pm :: edit 2020.05.14 2:42pm
  Elyk Chiparoo hæitd this
Yah, I like it it's funny I just figured out this and the left klik line draw right now after 5 years of FamiTraccker usage, like I guess I'm just a sober clicker.

I don't even know how to play an NSF file sorry about that, and we're a digit Short.

I haven't been to confession in a while so our VRc6 is really more appropirate than the VrC7 right now, LOL, theology joke.
Level 31 Chipist
post #120753 :: 2020.05.14 2:42pm
  Elyk Chiparoo liēkd this
0cc and nsf submission: please resubmit as .ftm
this is a vanilla famitracker battle
Level 8 Chipist
post #120754 :: 2020.05.14 2:48pm
  Elyk Chiparoo hæitd this
  kleeder liēkd this
DOne it thx
Level 14 Chipist
post #120755 :: 2020.05.14 2:49pm
  Elyk Chiparoo and kleeder liēkd this
Level 8 Chipist
post #120756 :: 2020.05.14 2:54pm :: edit 2020.05.14 3:17pm
  Elyk Chiparoo hæitd this
YYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYyayeyeyeyeyehhhhhhhhh alright, the offer for, the $5 Euro is still there, for a nice Info on the VRC7.

It's a mod of a demo, ours sorry

Hey Hey Hey hey hey Kleeder! We got the VRC7, from the, first download this is boss, it even opened up in FamiTracker, our Windows 10 Even Opened it Automatically weve been trying to associate FM tracker extensions for years and they wouldnt work. What are you all running some magic cartel on Trackers Where was this shit our Famitracker CHips have never been up to this par apart from our ones we lost on the Purple Key usb someone stole from the dopehouse!

Kyle Eparoo actually ran through a deep sorrow listening to ZX tune (I've Heard Every ZX Tune Song unfortunately all the video game and cover songs and hour long compos on there) when he never had anyone to connect to on here.

Kyle played Synth over a 505 Track even, you can hear how sad he was about his Cell Phone Disposition. He got stuck on androids for years, he lived in a really rough part of the SOuth US for a long time, really. People always stealing his phones and shit. It was a damn shame, really, he's sharper than ever though now getting ready to program some insane code trackers; he's a glitch psychopath. You wouldn't believe the shit he shows me and has no ability to Track Cohesively, he's obsessed with the timing and won't sample the synths. If he made a wavetable synth with his samples, celebrities would buy them for their collections; no joke. shame really it took this long to get this kid some aderalls.

He's freaking out about voting on our chips though; We're both voting on all of them from the same laptop so... just an fyi we might go down a level or two on our accounts, because it's getting confusing. Technically we shouldn't vote for Strobe because I'm hanging out with Baby right now. His Computer animation stuff is really too much for even a gaming desktop to handle, we're chipping in for a processor farm for him.

Which is really sad considering the size of the computer that is working on the Vaccine for the new flu thing; I'm not sure it's possible to add onto that process even or if anyone would respect me any more if I cared about so supefluous a thing. Such is my thoughts on life thus Far.

Y-Funk Sweden 2020
Level 7 Chipist
Elyk Chiparoo
post #120761 :: 2020.05.14 3:26pm
  Yekans liēkd this
R u ready to r e c o r d and in e n g l a n d ddddddddddddddddd Y-Funk
Level 8 Chipist
post #120762 :: 2020.05.14 3:36pm :: edit 2020.05.14 7:34pm
Just get the Multitrack and go to Canada, and launch from the commonwealth

"My little mixed european salts friend"

Thanks for sending me the bottle of celexas with your instruction manual, yeah I'm wanting out of this magic dimension now Kyle You're Headed to the Pit Battle with Snakey & Strobe. Strobe, SNakey and BABY versus KYLE Eparoo with no help from either me, my amazing variety of PayPal payment options, or my code expertiese

AND We're going to use baby Samples, and You Can't Recruit Why WOu or we're going to Flop Hospital Boy as a sacrifice to OSPLM because nobody wants to think about Hospitals, Boys, or You for that matter when they're smoking K2 and listening to Chiptunes at their Grandma's house in the basement.

ANd you know, I liked your comment, like everyone likes your comments that are all likalble kyle. I'm having trouble making a joke out of this. You know that goes on my permanent blogging record? I've never posted anything against public opinion on Facebook, Twitter, or Electro-Music.com like you have. You're going down perkulator

Okay, I was really late on this but does ANyone like this? We were 1024sec late

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