Sounders & Bumps

2017-12-10 16:33:27

2018-01-07 12:00:00

40 Entries

19 BotBrs

Info & Rules
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40 Entries
Battle Host
Lvl 29  
"Greetings and Salutations my fellow BotB-ers. As some of you might know, I work as a producer on daily news magazine show for a public radio network in Michigan. When we do the show, we use music “sounders or bumps” in between interview segments. This is where you come in. I think it would be fun if BotB created a set of original sounders/bumps. No, you wouldn’t get paid but if you’re sounder/bump was selected you could put it on your resume and/or simply get a warm fuzzy feeling in heart for contributing to public radio.

This is an open gear battle, however, no voices please. Otherwise, use your imagination to your fullest extent. BotB would have its own voting and winner with rewards distributed in normal BotB fashion. On the radio end, I’ll post all the sounders/bumps that my colleagues and I add to my show sound bank."'

- blank

The 4 Rounds:

R1 Sports Sounder (3-15 seconds)
This would be played going into our weekly segment with our sports commentator.

R2 Political Roundtable (3-15 seconds)
This is exactly what it sounds like. We do a weekly roundup of Michigan politics every Friday.

R3 Emotional Interview Outro (5-20 seconds)
This would be used after an interview that may elicits a strong emotional response. These are usually guest’s personal stories.

R4 Inspiring Interview Outro (5-20 seconds)
Coming out of an upbeat, inspiring (happy) interview. Again, this is exactly what it sounds like.
Voting Categories
  • brevity • appropriateness • tastiness • warm fuzzies • transition in pants
  • All registered users of BotB may vote.
  • All tunes will be rendered to MP3 for voting accessibility.
  • No covers allowed, only original works.
  • Entries that have been previously publicly released are not allowed.
  • While generative processes are permitted if designed by the entrant, they should never be used as a substitute for putting real human effort into your entries on BotB.
Questions and Contact
  • For direct communication join us on IRC!! #botb       :D/
R1 Sports Sounder

Being a general use Mixist format, anything that can record, compose, arrange, and mix music and/or sound from scratch, free and paid, will do for this format. Anything that isn't audio is off limits. Additional bit pack rules may apply.  :: read lyceum article

Maximum File Size :: 12.5mb

11 entries submitted :: view entries :: listen entries

R2 Political Roundtable

Being a general use Mixist format, anything that can record, compose, arrange, and mix music and/or sound from scratch, free and paid, will do for this format. Anything that isn't audio is off limits. Additional bit pack rules may apply.  :: read lyceum article

Maximum File Size :: 12.5mb

8 entries submitted :: view entries :: listen entries

R3 Emotional Interview Outro

Being a general use Mixist format, anything that can record, compose, arrange, and mix music and/or sound from scratch, free and paid, will do for this format. Anything that isn't audio is off limits. Additional bit pack rules may apply.  :: read lyceum article

Maximum File Size :: 12.5mb

14 entries submitted :: view entries :: listen entries

R4 Inspiring Interview Outro

Being a general use Mixist format, anything that can record, compose, arrange, and mix music and/or sound from scratch, free and paid, will do for this format. Anything that isn't audio is off limits. Additional bit pack rules may apply.  :: read lyceum article

Maximum File Size :: 12.5mb

9 entries submitted :: view entries :: listen entries