iHEART jazzy BABBYs and happy PIGS

2013-03-06 21:25:54

2013-03-06 22:21:54

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Level 24 Chipist
post #25567 :: 2013.03.06 10:35pm
i am figuratively a giant butt and also a literal one, because butts do not have eyes which allow you to read rules properly.

butts also have a convenient lack of the social graces that disallow you to chastise others for improperly reading the very rules you READ IMPROPERLY


i like the songs in this ohc though
Level 25 Mixist
post #25571 :: 2013.03.06 10:49pm
the 'rules' were very vague and loosely stated; i certainly didn't dock anyone for stylistic 'deviations'
Level 24 Chipist
post #25572 :: 2013.03.06 10:54pm :: edit 2013.03.06 10:56pm
looking retrospectively i can see why others would dock my song (because the title for the ohc has 'jazz' in it. i honestly didn't see it!).

but to be truthful, i'm pretty sure only one person docked my song for not following the rules, and even then they might've just really not liked my song. it's a bit presumptuous and really conceited of me to assume that the reason my song was voted low was because i broke a rule and not because i made a bad song. but hey, i've already set my precedent as a giant butt, so no surprises here!

the principle still stands, regardless. i shouldn't have been such a stickler for the rules (however vague they may be) if it turns out that i didn't follow them either.
Level 22 Chipist
post #25573 :: 2013.03.06 10:57pm
I voted you low commandy because I just didn't like the song :F
Level 24 Chipist
post #25574 :: 2013.03.06 11:00pm :: edit 2013.03.06 11:03pm
i am glad you're being honest, doxic (and xterm!). will try to lay off the excuses in the future!
Level 22 Playa
post #25575 :: 2013.03.06 11:02pm
same here (re: doxic), but now i'm all confused as to whether that's a nice thing to say or not :/
Level 22 Chipist
post #25576 :: 2013.03.06 11:07pm :: edit 2013.03.06 11:25pm
Good point, I just wanted him to know I didn't vote that way because I thought he broke the rules

EDIT: Let me rephrase, I didn't want commandy to think he had broken the rules
Level 28 Renderist
post #25578 :: 2013.03.06 11:50pm :: edit 2013.03.06 11:50pm
  commandycan and goluigi liēkd this
Don't feel bad about this commandycan. I don't think you did anything wrong. We <3 you. ;(

(And I liked your entry!)

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