Here's a little project I spent a couple of hours on while talking to Xyz_39808 about PCM and PPMCK.
== 23:35 <Xyz_39808>
== Ideally you'd just take a wave, downsample to 8bit,
== then round up every odd valued sample and divide by
== two (making it 7bit), then stream that after a
== bunch of y$4011,$__ commands
Using this information, I created a WAV to PCM encoder for your NSFs! Ever wanted to put high quality samples in your mmls?? ? ?? ? Well this is the solution!... given nothing else is playing (it will pretty much stall everything else in your nsf while it's playing hahah ^^; )
You can use WAV_PCM_2a03 to convert MONO, 8700hz SAMPLE RATE, 16BIT, WAVE files (under a second or two) to PPMCK direct write commands.
You can make a wave file 8700hz by setting the project rate in audacity.
Here's a few demos of it in action:
- http://mmlshare.com/tracks/view/1017
- http://mmlshare.com/tracks/view/1018
- http://mmlshare.com/tracks/view/1019
Project page: http://botb.club/~savestate/demos/pcm_encoder.html
You can view how to use it and stuff on the project page! :D :D :D
Also, the source code is a MESS. like HORRIBLE absolutely horrible hahaha im sorry.
Enjoy!~ (^:
update - Version 1.0.1 Adds a comment every 100 samples so you can find sample offsets, based on an idea by 9999HP
== 23:35 <Xyz_39808>
== Ideally you'd just take a wave, downsample to 8bit,
== then round up every odd valued sample and divide by
== two (making it 7bit), then stream that after a
== bunch of y$4011,$__ commands
Using this information, I created a WAV to PCM encoder for your NSFs! Ever wanted to put high quality samples in your mmls?? ? ?? ? Well this is the solution!... given nothing else is playing (it will pretty much stall everything else in your nsf while it's playing hahah ^^; )
You can use WAV_PCM_2a03 to convert MONO, 8700hz SAMPLE RATE, 16BIT, WAVE files (under a second or two) to PPMCK direct write commands.
You can make a wave file 8700hz by setting the project rate in audacity.
Here's a few demos of it in action:
- http://mmlshare.com/tracks/view/1017
- http://mmlshare.com/tracks/view/1018
- http://mmlshare.com/tracks/view/1019
Project page: http://botb.club/~savestate/demos/pcm_encoder.html
You can view how to use it and stuff on the project page! :D :D :D
Also, the source code is a MESS. like HORRIBLE absolutely horrible hahaha im sorry.
Enjoy!~ (^:
update - Version 1.0.1 Adds a comment every 100 samples so you can find sample offsets, based on an idea by 9999HP