BotB Academy Project Dev
Level 24 Grafxicist
post #49353 :: 2014.11.08 2:24am
  uUni, Savestate, Flaminglog and goluigi liēkd this
Charatalk's a chat program (made with Java) that I'm working on with Goodra. The server host draws backgrounds/collision maps/overlays, and the players draw their own sprites/animations. It's kind of like a visualizer for chatting (if any of you are into RPing and the like).

Here's the devblog:

The download page is on the left side. Instructions, the client, and the server are in the .zip.
Give it a try, if you'd like! I'm open to suggestions but updates are at a standstill right now because I'm busy with school stuff.

Note: if you entered the OHB, you'll need to put your sprite in a folder and name the file char.png.
Level 22 Chipist
post #49373 :: 2014.11.09 12:59pm
what are some servers?
Level 24 Grafxicist
post #49377 :: 2014.11.09 1:53pm
  uUni liēkd this
Unfortunately it's so unpopular at the moment that there are no public servers. Hopefully they'll show up some day, but for now, there are only private meetups. (Maybe I'll try hosting a BotB server sometime, though).

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