Level 0 n00b
post #48690 ::
2014.10.14 7:01pm
DBOYD, Amilgi, b00daw, radian, xterm, gotoandplay, raphaelgoulart and Moose liēkd this
DBOYD, Amilgi, b00daw, radian, xterm, gotoandplay, raphaelgoulart and Moose liēkd this
First off, what an interesting site this is!
I'd like to introduce myself as the developer of YMDj, the distant cousin spritual successor of LSDj, but for the Sega Genesis. It's in an early stage right now and is being developed in pure 68k assembly. Come check it out @ http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/15355/ymdj-genesismd-tracker/
I'd post a thread about it here but it looks like that's a privilege that I don't yet have. The 16-bit revival is coming and I'd like you guys to be a part of it!
I'd like to introduce myself as the developer of YMDj, the distant cousin spritual successor of LSDj, but for the Sega Genesis. It's in an early stage right now and is being developed in pure 68k assembly. Come check it out @ http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/15355/ymdj-genesismd-tracker/
I'd post a thread about it here but it looks like that's a privilege that I don't yet have. The 16-bit revival is coming and I'd like you guys to be a part of it!