Level 30 Chipist
post #48471 ::
2014.10.09 3:56am :: edit 2015.11.18 11:52pm
AutisticApple, Razerek, raphaelgoulart, gotoandplay, 9999HP, b00daw, Potentialing, plrusek and cce liēkd this
AutisticApple, Razerek, raphaelgoulart, gotoandplay, 9999HP, b00daw, Potentialing, plrusek and cce liēkd this
EDIT: 11/19/2015
Hey everyone, since I never really got used to LSDJ, I wanted to see if I could make gameboy music with something I was more familiar with. Since famitracker has a text export, I thought that I could probably take that and do something that would allow me to convert it to the gameboy. So after a few days of programming, I have a beta program for a FTM (text export) to GBS MML for XPMCK.
If you guys don't mind testing it out for me that would be wonderful!
I've also only got about a year of java under my belt so this is good practice for me, fixing it and whatnot.
Here's how to set it up
Go ahead and make a directory called "ftm2mml_workspace" or something memorable.
Download and extract xpmck into there along with the .class files
(now it looks like this http://puu.sh/c5n5L/1b8c93f510.jpg)
Download and extract WLA DX (wla-gb.exe and wlalink.exe) into /demo/gbc/
direct link to the correct binaries: http://www.villehelin.com/wla-win32/wla_dx_binaries_20061106_9.4a.zip
(if you don't have windows, make sure to build version 9.4)
Ok so formatting your FTM properly
note: you must use 0.4.2 (hi plrusek)
Since MML is all about macros, you have to make your instruments solely based off of macros. No effects or volume column. Only instruments (it's gonna look bare but this was the only way I could do it) I do plan for certain effects in the future though, namely Fxx (tempo only) and Bxx / Dxx. I have some code written for it, but it's a work in progress.
Volume macros will not work on triangle, eg { 15 15 15 0 } is invalid, (it will be ignored) I'm currently working on something that will hopefully fix that.
When doing arpeggios, make sure you set the mode to relative and make sure if it doesn't loop, to put a 0 at the end or else it will keep repeating the last arp value.
Note cuts and Note off (envelope releases) /should/ work fully
No effects means no Vxx, you need to do that in the macro editor in famitracker.
To get the tempo correctly, make sure you're set to speed 3.
Since the noise range is much wider on the gameboy, what you hear in famitracker (for the noise channel) is not what's going to be in the output file. If you prefer the noise pitches more like the famicom, squeeze your range of notes towards the middle.
To build the mml file, make sure you have a command line open in the same directory as the class files and type in
"java FTM2MML ftmTextExportInputFile.txt outputFileName.mml"
(make sure you have java 8 installed!)
take this mml file and move it to /demo/mml/
cd to demo/gbc and run "mkgbs outputFileName" (notice the lack of .mml)
if all goes well, your gbs file should be called outputFileName.gbs
Here's an example FTM to try it on
and here's the GBS file that came from it
A little something to tak on the end here, while the program does an okay (?) job of optimizing, it's not perfect. After just a couple of frames/patterns it will run out of space in the bank. However, in the asm file that's generated by the batch file, I think there's a way to switch banks (or whatever it's called, never really looked into it) to make the file fit to size. If you know how to do this let me know please!
anyways, hope my programming endeavours are at least somewhat interesting.
Hey everyone, since I never really got used to LSDJ, I wanted to see if I could make gameboy music with something I was more familiar with. Since famitracker has a text export, I thought that I could probably take that and do something that would allow me to convert it to the gameboy. So after a few days of programming, I have a beta program for a FTM (text export) to GBS MML for XPMCK.
If you guys don't mind testing it out for me that would be wonderful!
I've also only got about a year of java under my belt so this is good practice for me, fixing it and whatnot.
Here's how to set it up
Go ahead and make a directory called "ftm2mml_workspace" or something memorable.
Download and extract xpmck into there along with the .class files
(now it looks like this http://puu.sh/c5n5L/1b8c93f510.jpg)
Download and extract WLA DX (wla-gb.exe and wlalink.exe) into /demo/gbc/
direct link to the correct binaries: http://www.villehelin.com/wla-win32/wla_dx_binaries_20061106_9.4a.zip
(if you don't have windows, make sure to build version 9.4)
Ok so formatting your FTM properly
note: you must use 0.4.2 (hi plrusek)
Since MML is all about macros, you have to make your instruments solely based off of macros. No effects or volume column. Only instruments (it's gonna look bare but this was the only way I could do it) I do plan for certain effects in the future though, namely Fxx (tempo only) and Bxx / Dxx. I have some code written for it, but it's a work in progress.
Volume macros will not work on triangle, eg { 15 15 15 0 } is invalid, (it will be ignored) I'm currently working on something that will hopefully fix that.
When doing arpeggios, make sure you set the mode to relative and make sure if it doesn't loop, to put a 0 at the end or else it will keep repeating the last arp value.
Note cuts and Note off (envelope releases) /should/ work fully
No effects means no Vxx, you need to do that in the macro editor in famitracker.
To get the tempo correctly, make sure you're set to speed 3.
Since the noise range is much wider on the gameboy, what you hear in famitracker (for the noise channel) is not what's going to be in the output file. If you prefer the noise pitches more like the famicom, squeeze your range of notes towards the middle.
To build the mml file, make sure you have a command line open in the same directory as the class files and type in
"java FTM2MML ftmTextExportInputFile.txt outputFileName.mml"
(make sure you have java 8 installed!)
take this mml file and move it to /demo/mml/
cd to demo/gbc and run "mkgbs outputFileName" (notice the lack of .mml)
if all goes well, your gbs file should be called outputFileName.gbs
Here's an example FTM to try it on
and here's the GBS file that came from it
A little something to tak on the end here, while the program does an okay (?) job of optimizing, it's not perfect. After just a couple of frames/patterns it will run out of space in the bank. However, in the asm file that's generated by the batch file, I think there's a way to switch banks (or whatever it's called, never really looked into it) to make the file fit to size. If you know how to do this let me know please!
anyways, hope my programming endeavours are at least somewhat interesting.