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BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 28 Chipist
post #42088 :: 2014.04.28 2:12pm
  marcb0t, Doxic, zanzan, rainwarrior, mootbooxle, Fearofdark and Flaminglog liēkd this
hello everyone! i've been busy while i've been away:

the album is 75 minutes long, contains a lot of improvisation, has no particular genre, runs the gamut from "pretty normal" to "very strange", and has virtually nothing to do with chipmusic. enjoy!
Level 24 Chipist
post #42091 :: 2014.04.28 2:20pm
  marcb0t liēkd this
This is pretty fantastic! And free download only? You are a SAINT.
Level 25 Chipist
post #42093 :: 2014.04.28 2:29pm
  marcb0t and Zillah liēkd this
Good to have you back, Jangler :)
Level 15 Chipist
post #42173 :: 2014.04.30 7:07pm :: edit 2014.04.30 7:21pm
Haven't heard it yet, but it sounds like a nearly perfect album, based on your description. I'll have to give it a listen.

EDIT: I just heard the first 2 tracks and I think it sounds fantastic!!! It sounds like funky improv jazz to me, and that's always a good thing in my book. Wish I were that skilled.

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