It's happened already.
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 24 Chipist
post #31336 :: 2013.08.18 8:04pm
  zebra liēkd this
His wounds are festering, rotting, _moving_. Some tiny part of him is still alive in that circle, on the floor, in that room, in that box we locked.

And she was never meant to exist, but her teeth have been ground to powder by these gnawing aberrations. No pity for her. No consolation for her. No legacy will come out of that box.

She's food.

It's funny to think this was the tamest way to kill ourselves. We could have made hundreds of neurotypes. A new society to overwrite the laws of the universe. Supplant humanity. Supplant the Earth. Supplant physics and mathematics. Twist the universe around us and tear and tear until we could not be called bodies anymore.

We are lesser beings that swim in a petri dish, and we are programmed to make the same mistake over and over and over and over again. We know we'll end the world with our excess, but we won't ever change our lifestyles over it. Likewise, we knew these projects were a bad idea, but that didn't stand in the way of curiosity. We looked inward and outward to learn that damning truth, but it doesn't matter. There's no "we" anymore. It doesn't matter.

It's happened already.
Level 14 Chipist
post #31337 :: 2013.08.18 8:17pm :: edit 2013.08.18 8:17pm
  Tilde liēkd this
I will miss my individuality :(
Level 25 Mixist
post #31340 :: 2013.08.18 9:30pm
  goluigi and mootbooxle liēkd this
  Tilde hæitd this
would read better without the self awareness : o
Level 22 Chipist
post #31341 :: 2013.08.18 10:45pm
  mootbooxle liēkd this
Assuming this is something from
That guy is crrAAAAZZZzzZZZy
Level 30 Mixist
post #31342 :: 2013.08.18 11:51pm
  goluigi, Rainbow Dash and xterm liēkd this
what is this
Level 22 Chipist
post #31348 :: 2013.08.19 2:13am
Megaman Legends/Gurren Lagann 10/10 would read again
Level 25 Mixist
post #31353 :: 2013.08.19 7:34am
the clock's run out, time's up, spaghetti, BLAOW!
Level 29 Hostist
post #31362 :: 2013.08.19 3:37pm
  xterm liēkd this
We should all probably go home and give up.
Level 27 Renderist
post #31365 :: 2013.08.19 8:07pm
  goluigi, anewuser and mootbooxle liēkd this
The marrow of the sparrow congealed into Mia Farrow's narrow va-jarrow. A potion given notion for some lotion to protect the whole skin from the ocean again if within your ken, prithee, can you see that the trees east increased in the least recent visit we eased together in cold weather. Forever was the love discovered by my brother. Recovered by the other winter, the splinter had just been grown over. Cells rovering in mauve or pink clover tanks. Rome or France he called the battalions. The pal, he went to pick some scallions. Rally us to Sally's fuss she's having in a bus. The text confessed impressed expressions giving directions to pale complexions. "Conjecture," stated the Prime Contestor. "The defector is pardoned to the effect that Your Honor's upset niece, arrested by the police, dropped her fleece at the border." "ORDER! ORDER," exclaimed Judge Lasorda. "In order to afford your bail you should hail to every detail. You oughta understand that Amanda plans to leave for college; gaining knowledge to crawl less on her knees in societies. To please her enemies with bigger energies. "Dinner, please," joked Amanda. They spoke Miranda and their plan to retain if the plaintiff's command of her character fares with her. Eric Burr, her lawyer, "took a call" and walked out to the hall, away from it all. Her fate as of late involves an inmate and a bedtime at eight.
Level 30 Mixist
post #31366 :: 2013.08.19 9:05pm :: edit 2013.08.19 9:06pm
someone should put these into a twitter feed called @botb_ebooks

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