Oh, Hey, A Shiny New Site to Play With
BotB Academy n00b s0z
Level 8 Grafxicist
post #25523 :: 2013.03.06 8:43am
'Allo, ladies and gents. Resident n00b Loon here, speaking to share with you matters that really hold no importance. Shall I take some time to introduce myself?

Admittedly, I don't write much, nor do I write often. This isn't to say that I'd like to, but my time has been limited lately, so I never get anything done. Oh, sure, I've started a few pieces, but none are very good, nor do I believe they'll ever be finished.
In short, I'll probably do more observing than contributing in my time here, but it is wonderful to meet everyone!
Talk and discuss various chaotic mayhem amongst yourselves.
Level 22 Playa
post #25544 :: 2013.03.06 6:04pm
welcome! btw, one-hour battles are a very good way to practice writing music without too much of a time commitment :)
Level 24 Chipist
post #25672 :: 2013.03.09 7:47am
  xterm and goluigi liēkd this
yes you should ohb it OHB OHB
Collect medals and arbitrary status simbol

ohb to the max

ohb to the max

hello and welcome_

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