TO ADMINS: DefleMask Icon and Update in Trackers List
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 9 Playa
post #20758 :: 2012.11.15 6:52pm
Hi there, I noticed that the DefleMask's Icon inside the categories/browser has a non transparent pixel in the upper left side.
I removed that pixel, and here is the new image:

Also, it would be nice to update this section:
To add the new systems (PC.Engine, NES, etc)

And add DefleMask on NES/GameBoy/Genesis/SMS/PC-Engine in this section, and add also that it is also available for Linux:

Maybe I could do it by myself, if you give me the permission to edit that pages, so I will not bother in the future.

Regards and thanks.
Level 25 Chipist
post #20759 :: 2012.11.15 7:41pm
Can you not edit lyceum articles? Maybe that only comes at a certain level...
Level 24 Chipist
Interrobang Pie
post #20760 :: 2012.11.15 7:48pm
  goluigi liēkd this
You need to be level 7 to edit the Lyceum, according to the Lyceum:
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #20761 :: 2012.11.15 8:00pm
updated :)
Level 9 Playa
post #20762 :: 2012.11.15 8:43pm :: edit 2012.11.15 9:02pm
Thanks a lot Chip Champ!, only left to add (Windows, Linux), it says (Windows) only. When I can be a level 7?, I don't understand how the points come.

PS: Also the icon needs the update.
Level 22 Playa
post #20763 :: 2012.11.15 9:22pm
you get points for doing stuff on the site (but not for posting, unless someone lieks/haeits the post). every day you visit gets you one playa point. you also get points for voting in battles (1 criticist point per entry). most points come from submitting entries though; in that case you get 5 points immediately of the proper type, and then one point every time someone streams or downloads the entry. there are a few other ways to get points, but those are the main ones.

so basically if you do nothing except visit the site every day, you will be level 7 in a little more than 5 months, from playa points :)
Level 28 Chipist
post #20767 :: 2012.11.16 3:05am
Try making some music for some of these contests to help you get there faster. You have your own custom utensil to make 'em. :)
Level 9 Playa
post #20769 :: 2012.11.16 3:52am :: edit 2012.11.16 3:53am
  jrlepage and Slimeball liēkd this
I love to compose music and I have tons of tunes, however I don't have time right now to compose because 100% of my effort is deposited on developing DefleMask and Android games. I think that I should wait to become 7 from only visiting the site.
Level 28 Chipist
post #20770 :: 2012.11.16 5:15am
Alright. At least four months of visits (assuming you do them daily) ought to do the trick.
Level 22 Chipist
post #20773 :: 2012.11.16 8:00am
  jrlepage, Baron Knoxburry, Slimeball and xterm liēkd this
Heres teh plan. You make a 5 second loop and post it in the 1000th hour battle on Monday, and I'll play it about 10,000 time so you get teh points and teh levels up.

Its my greatest plan ever, dont tell admins or spam haters tho.
Level 9 Playa
post #21245 :: 2012.12.31 4:42pm
  Slimeball liēkd this
DefleMask 9 was released!, it is possible to add it into Commodore 64 category here?

Also, it is now for Mac OS X too, so it is posible to change (Windows, Linux) to (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) ?


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