in praise of the taggists
BotB Academy n00b s0z
Level 24 XHBist
post #192095 :: 2024.06.18 7:48pm :: edit 2024.06.19 9:01am
  kleeder, cabbage drop, Collidy and damifortune liēkd this
isn't it nice that no matter what you submit to this site you know for certain that it's gonna get appraised & tagged by kleeder & funute? i often find myself wondering what they will think of an entry when i submit it. what a comforting constant in our BotBr lives.
Level 31 Chipist
post #192148 :: 2024.06.20 1:04am
  damifortune, Thingerthing, roz and cabbage drop liēkd this
aww :3
well, *looks at amount of favs*, it seems like most of the time I think positively about botbr entries!!! :D

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