So generally I'm a big fan of plaintext for note taking and mocking stuff up - even if a document ends up a bit more formatted in Word or whatever eventually, I usually start with just plain text.
... at least I did, until I caught the obsidian.md bug, and now all my note taking and document prototyping tends to happen in markdown.
Would this overlap overmuch with HTML? It's just a different flavour of markup really, but very much hits a sweet spot for me - HELLO! seems overly aggressive, <strong>Hello!</strong> is a lot of typing, but **Hello!** is a very happy medium. Being able to just casually drop `bits of code` inline is nice, and
const largerBlocksOfCode = 'also nice';
(Firki feels closer to 'why don't you just HTML then' to me)
I suppose the argument could go - markdown by nature, and this is one of the things I love about it, is markup that kind of just looks like human-readable text - like - which reads better:
- apple
- bread
- cheese
you know?
Anyway just curious whether anyone else has these markdown feelings.
... at least I did, until I caught the obsidian.md bug, and now all my note taking and document prototyping tends to happen in markdown.
Would this overlap overmuch with HTML? It's just a different flavour of markup really, but very much hits a sweet spot for me - HELLO! seems overly aggressive, <strong>Hello!</strong> is a lot of typing, but **Hello!** is a very happy medium. Being able to just casually drop `bits of code` inline is nice, and
const largerBlocksOfCode = 'also nice';
(Firki feels closer to 'why don't you just HTML then' to me)
I suppose the argument could go - markdown by nature, and this is one of the things I love about it, is markup that kind of just looks like human-readable text - like - which reads better:
- apple
- bread
- cheese
you know?
Anyway just curious whether anyone else has these markdown feelings.