fuck chord progressions
i hate them with a passion
dumbass chiptuner who is currently trying his best to make adequate music (and yet seems to never make progress)
name is just a game (srb2) but i slapped on the 'er' for no reason
gameboy funni made in blockbench
(its pronounced srb-2-er)
random list of "goals" thanks NardInYourYard for that thread
- ☑ wasn't a goal but yeeeeeeeee mighty :D
- ☐ get like top 1/4 or top 1/3 in a major battle OR make a tune that I'm proud of that also does decent in a major
- ☐ get furnace ☑, nsf+ ☑, and SMS ☐ badges
- ☑ get 7 badges
- ☐ get 56 badges
- ☐ get either a badge trophy or a tincan in any format (with 7 or more entries in said format including mine), category or overall in a major battle
- ☐ vort more on entries (originally give more feedback)