Feature Request: Late Penalty Disable Text Big Mode
BotB Academy n00b s0z
Level 28 Chipist
post #178436 :: 2023.10.29 3:13pm
  Lint_Huffer, damifortune, cabbage drop and kleeder liēkd this
I think this is probably simple quality of life improvement....
"late penalties have been disabled for this battle" should be in LARGER text on the XHB page. Or just in bold! Just enough of a change for the rushed XHBr to notice within the wall of text that many of us have seen hundreds of times.

I know if I used extra boons to allow for 1.5 hour entries, I would be sad if no one knew they could take advantage.

) :

JUST MY TWO CENTS (or however many boons a thread costs)
Level 32 Chipist
post #178437 :: 2023.10.29 3:20pm
  damifortune, Lasertooth, cabbage drop and BubblegumOctopus liēkd this
please note, for this battle: YOU CAN LATE SUBMIT IF YOU WANT, YOU DODONGO
Level 31 Chipist
post #178488 :: 2023.10.30 12:25pm
part of me actually kinda likes that it's really nondescript / unnoticeable, if only because the emergent behavior of someone discovering it at the end, and that prompting everyone to breathe a sigh of relief and go fix some stuff, is fun in a specific way. but it def would be reasonable to make it more noticeable, i agree with what you say!

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