A very exciting announcement!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 10 Mixist
post #169073 :: 2023.03.24 6:27pm :: edit 2023.03.24 7:25pm
  OminPigeonMaster, Xaser, birdrun, cabbage drop, damifortune and Quirby64 liēkd this
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, n00bs and oldsk00ls, it's time for haileymania!! I'm your lovely host for this, evening, Hailey!

Tonight, we have 3 or more contestants duking it out in a competition of composition...but with a twist! Every episode, we give our contestants some guidelines to follow. Some are straightforward while others can be silly and twisted even!

Once an hour has passed, the contestants along with our lovely audience vote on each song from 1 to 7. The votes get tallied, passed through the scoring equation and whoever gets the highest score strikes gold!

Our pilot episode will be airing tomorrow at around 12pm AEST, so don't miss it!

Yes, that's right, I'm starting an OHB series! It's something I've been wanting to do for a while now and with the help of my friends I'm able to finally give it a shot! Don't be too intimidated though, it really is just another allgear series at the end of the day, BUT I promise the bitpacks will be enjoyable and interesting enough to keep you coming back.
Level 25 Chipist
post #169075 :: 2023.03.24 7:15pm
  a-tiny-pony, mirageofher, Retro Gracz, Xaser, Chepaki, Kot, cabbage drop and cudsys liēkd this
this is so cool i wish australia was real
Level 22 Chipist
post #169080 :: 2023.03.24 11:26pm
  a-tiny-pony, mirageofher, Xaser, cudsys and Kot liēkd this
Australia was real once, but we all fell off the Earth due to being upside down and all that.
Level 22 Chipist
post #169089 :: 2023.03.25 1:07am
  a-tiny-pony, mirageofher, Xaser and cudsys liēkd this
selling earth harnesses for 29.99$

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