Level 30 Chipist
post #168789 ::
2023.03.15 7:54am
cabbage drop, nitrofurano, a-tiny-pony, mirageofher, Sloopygoop, puke7, kalii, Firespike33, Viraxor, kilowatt64, RadamLee, Lincent, Lasertooth, Blast_Brothers, damifortune and kleeder liēkd this
cabbage drop, nitrofurano, a-tiny-pony, mirageofher, Sloopygoop, puke7, kalii, Firespike33, Viraxor, kilowatt64, RadamLee, Lincent, Lasertooth, Blast_Brothers, damifortune and kleeder liēkd this
Hello. I'm the Ominous Pigeon Master, and I'm here today to talk about the O.P.M.B.
The O.P.M.B, standing for the Obscure PArtist MAssociation Boredroom is something I didn't literally just make up while making this post an important discussion board I'm going to forget about tomorrow, that will try and help resolve a serious problem I've been seeing now for quite some problem:
Artists who are completely unknown, and deserve more attention.
I think a fair few of us know a musical artist or band, that is so unknown, that literally 20, 30 people around the world might know their name.
The thought's been rolling in my brain for awhile; I've been listening to a guy called Raptor Koch for a few years now. Guy is amazing, has some beautifully wild proggy yet accessible albums, full of personality and great musicianship.
It doesn't seem like anyone knows about the fellow though, which is such a shame!
So I wanna give as big an up as I can by recommending anyone to listen through some of his albums.
His most recent body of work is the Druhý album.
Aside from that one, I would listen to the Prvý album and Ezoterik Pank. He's made a lot of stuff, but I think those 3 are amongst his most accessible projects.
If you want just 3 minutes to see whether you'd enjoy his stuff, I'd check out the music video he released for the song Zuza.
Even just one other person knowing this guy exists would make me feel more sane. x)
And since the subject of obscure artists, and bands that deserve more attention is the topic, I'm sure other folk on here have their own suggestions they'd like to make.
How obscure enough a band or artist has to be, to be mentioned here, I dunno. x) From what I can see, Raptor is lucky when he breaks through 100 listeners, so I was thinking extremely unknown.
Their is a level of irony to this discussion, when lots of us are obscure songwriters ourselves heh, but all the more reason for us to appreciate unknown talent, I think. : )
I'd recommend anyone who does make a suggestion, we focus on 1 artist or band per message, and maybe try and find a 3-4 minute piece of music, as a taster for anyone curious about them.
The O.P.M.B, standing for the Obscure PArtist MAssociation B
Artists who are completely unknown, and deserve more attention.
I think a fair few of us know a musical artist or band, that is so unknown, that literally 20, 30 people around the world might know their name.
The thought's been rolling in my brain for awhile; I've been listening to a guy called Raptor Koch for a few years now. Guy is amazing, has some beautifully wild proggy yet accessible albums, full of personality and great musicianship.
It doesn't seem like anyone knows about the fellow though, which is such a shame!
So I wanna give as big an up as I can by recommending anyone to listen through some of his albums.
His most recent body of work is the Druhý album.
Aside from that one, I would listen to the Prvý album and Ezoterik Pank. He's made a lot of stuff, but I think those 3 are amongst his most accessible projects.
If you want just 3 minutes to see whether you'd enjoy his stuff, I'd check out the music video he released for the song Zuza.
Even just one other person knowing this guy exists would make me feel more sane. x)
And since the subject of obscure artists, and bands that deserve more attention is the topic, I'm sure other folk on here have their own suggestions they'd like to make.
How obscure enough a band or artist has to be, to be mentioned here, I dunno. x) From what I can see, Raptor is lucky when he breaks through 100 listeners, so I was thinking extremely unknown.
Their is a level of irony to this discussion, when lots of us are obscure songwriters ourselves heh, but all the more reason for us to appreciate unknown talent, I think. : )
I'd recommend anyone who does make a suggestion, we focus on 1 artist or band per message, and maybe try and find a 3-4 minute piece of music, as a taster for anyone curious about them.