New collab FM Synth album by BotBrs inspired by Etrian Odyssey!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 27 Chipist
post #165656 :: 2023.01.12 8:13am
  DBOYD, pedipanol, now_its_dark, kilowatt64, damifortune, Bravoman, hanna and Vav liēkd this
Yo! This fall, myself, Vav, and ModalModule started a new composer collective! And we just dropped a new album that is subtly inspired by the music of the Etrian Odyssey series! Check it out!

P.S. Fun fact, Yuzo Koshiro himself really liked the album and went out of his way to share it on twitter, which was a huge honor to us. Anyway, enjoy!
Level 24 Chipist
post #165657 :: 2023.01.12 8:49am
  Vav and kgb525 liēkd this
Wayyyyyyyyy cool!!! I will definitely be checking this out.
and the fact that Yuzo himself has recognized this is awesome too!

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