Level 22 Mixist
post #164191 ::
2022.12.11 7:48pm :: edit 2022.12.11 7:50pm
sean, Viraxor, Retro Gracz, qrqrqr0515_1, mirageofher, Webriprob, cabbage drop and petet liēkd this
sean, Viraxor, Retro Gracz, qrqrqr0515_1, mirageofher, Webriprob, cabbage drop and petet liēkd this
OK, in case the existensial dread hasn't set in for you yet...
AI is fucking scary.
This video by moistcritikal/penguinz0 (not really required reading or anything) reminded me that the bar for art is going to have to get higher.
And so, as I was pondering this dread, I was working on a project for a class in Ableton, when suddenly, I had somehow accidentally inserted an odd pause in the song that... really didn't make sense, but also kind of did.
It didn't subtract from the song. It didn't hurt the enjoyment of it at all, really. But silence at an awkward interval is an extremely human thing to put into music.
And so I got the idea for Humancore.
(oh... song I was working on is here)
Techincally, this already exists, especially on this site. You could call it a myriad of different things and they'd all be correct. I see it more as a seal of quality than a genre. It's something that was made by a human that shows that it's human-made.
Is it the use of an old sample that no AI would think to find?
Background ambience that you could never trace?
obviously this will mean different things to different people, but I would love to do a battle series for this concept of humancore
AI is fucking scary.
This video by moistcritikal/penguinz0 (not really required reading or anything) reminded me that the bar for art is going to have to get higher.
And so, as I was pondering this dread, I was working on a project for a class in Ableton, when suddenly, I had somehow accidentally inserted an odd pause in the song that... really didn't make sense, but also kind of did.
It didn't subtract from the song. It didn't hurt the enjoyment of it at all, really. But silence at an awkward interval is an extremely human thing to put into music.
And so I got the idea for Humancore.
(oh... song I was working on is here)
Techincally, this already exists, especially on this site. You could call it a myriad of different things and they'd all be correct. I see it more as a seal of quality than a genre. It's something that was made by a human that shows that it's human-made.
Is it the use of an old sample that no AI would think to find?
Background ambience that you could never trace?
obviously this will mean different things to different people, but I would love to do a battle series for this concept of humancore