BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 22 Mixist
post #164191 :: 2022.12.11 7:48pm :: edit 2022.12.11 7:50pm
  sean, Viraxor, Retro Gracz, qrqrqr0515_1, mirageofher, Webriprob, cabbage drop and petet liēkd this
OK, in case the existensial dread hasn't set in for you yet...
AI is fucking scary.

video by moistcritikal/penguinz0 (not really required reading or anything) reminded me that the bar for art is going to have to get higher.

And so, as I was pondering this dread, I was working on a project for a class in Ableton, when suddenly, I had somehow accidentally inserted an odd pause in the song that... really didn't make sense, but also kind of did.

It didn't subtract from the song. It didn't hurt the enjoyment of it at all, really. But silence at an awkward interval is an extremely human thing to put into music.

And so I got the idea for Humancore.

(oh... song I was working on is here

Techincally, this already exists, especially on this site. You could call it a myriad of different things and they'd all be correct. I see it more as a seal of quality than a genre. It's something that was made by a human that shows that it's human-made.
Is it the use of an old sample that no AI would think to find?
Background ambience that you could never trace?
obviously this will mean different things to different people, but I would love to do a battle series for this concept of humancore
Level 24 Chipist
post #164226 :: 2022.12.12 11:30am
  sean, 02FD, kalii, Retro Gracz, big lumby, VirtualMan and BinkNSmacker liēkd this
i think that's a very useless task you've assigned yourself. you should make the music you enjoy making. do it for the sake of it. there's nothing to be scared about. well AI *is* fucking scary but artificial composers, not so much. it's just music. i can't wait to hear what fantastic music AI can create. i'm more scared of the despicable humans that will try to get credit for it. fuck them and their wicked egos.

this whole post may sound peremptory but i wouldn't say i'm 100% sure of anything i said so please feel free to post counter-arguments, it genuinely is an interesting topic imho :)
Level 29 Mixist
post #164227 :: 2022.12.12 11:59am
  sean, Viraxor, tennisers, Retro Gracz, VirtualMan, big lumby, BinkNSmacker, Firespike33 and cabbage drop liēkd this
ai composers wld never think to make a public piano jam with 10 children screaming and crying in the background
Level 25 Grafxicist
post #164229 :: 2022.12.12 12:25pm
  sean, Retro Gracz, YQN, mirageofher and cabbage drop liēkd this
As long as Botb stays alive, human art will never die!
Level 14 Mixist
post #164239 :: 2022.12.12 1:37pm
  YQN liēkd this
There will be a point where some people are going to make competing AI composers, and then it'll all spin off into a cacophony of programmer's madness.
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #164264 :: 2022.12.12 8:36pm
  VirtualMan liēkd this
all this is accomplishing is re-instilling the fear of robots into me
Level 24 Chipist
post #164304 :: 2022.12.13 10:22am
  sean, Viraxor, 02FD, BinkNSmacker and big lumby liēkd this
an other thought, in my view, music is just the meaning that we, as listeners, create for sound. music happens in the mind of the listener. it is a subjective experience, which is why we don't all agree on what counts as music, and what doesn't. a blackbird singing? wind in a bunch of pipes? a vacuum cleaner with varying power/pitch? there is music everywhere already for who pays attention. AI is just one more source.
Level 22 Mixist
post #164364 :: 2022.12.14 7:13am :: edit 2022.12.14 7:17am
  sean, Viraxor and YQN liēkd this
YQN, I think I understand and agree with your sentiment here. The enemy (if you can call it that) isn't the AI itself. It's the people using it and taking credit for it as their own work. I'm also kind of excited to see what AI can make. By working with AI instead of using it exclusively to offload all of your work, I think we'll see some great music that uses human creativity with added artificial intelligence.
Level 24 Chipist
post #164372 :: 2022.12.14 10:49am :: edit 2022.12.14 10:50am
  sean and VirtualMan liēkd this
with all that being said, the idea of humancore is certainly worth a concept album, or a major :)

edit: my avatar is AI generated btw
Level 25 Chipist
post #164527 :: 2022.12.16 3:20pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
In case you missed it,

The fast version is that the stuff that the music business has been pronounced dead by the stuff that makes music accessible to us today so many times that I (me, not Benn) don't pay attention anymore.

Benn's opinion is that musicians and artists have been treated like ass for so long that AI is the least of our concerns.

Also this toot:

"The three axes of quality are “fast,” “cheap” and “reliable.” You generally get to pick two.

"AI is fast and cheap. If you are doing anything serious, you have an obligation to be reliable."

And this tweet:

"Sci-Fi: maybe someday in the future technology will automate all the boring things in life so everyone can focus on their artistic endeavours

"Reality: okay so we've successfully automated all art so nobody should be distracted from their boring jobs anymore"
Level 24 Chipist
post #164602 :: 2022.12.18 8:44am
I think that those pauses are very artificial, lol

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