(SHQ Remaster) Strobe HQ Remaster business for boons
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 31 Chipist
post #17534 :: 2011.11.10 4:58pm :: edit 2011.11.10 5:10pm
  kleeder liēkd this
Since boons aren't used for much more than hosting OHCs
at the moment, why not start up a business.

On some occasions I've remastered some tracks on the site
for fun and joy, and then posted the remastered track
in the original tracks thread.

Now I'm considering entering the lucrative business of Remastering for boons for tracks of your choice.

The price will be floating, depending on how much you think its worth. (I will probably say no if its a 5 minute track
with 64 channels, and you want to pay me 1 boon.)

Also, some tracks is simply too hard to Remaster properly without destroying the original feel of the track.
So, I'm mostly into remastering XM and MIDI tracks due to easier instrumentation changing and channelsplitting (for effect processing).

This is a pure business test, and I might fail!

Previous HQ Renders (links posted farther down in the thread of the track usually)


For the interested, take contact with me in IRC, and show me the track
you want remastered so I can see if its possible, then we can talk about the boons.

Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #17535 :: 2011.11.10 5:12pm
maybe you could get richer if you remix tracks for boonz
Level 31 Chipist
post #17536 :: 2011.11.10 5:27pm
I felt the opposite! :o , and remastering seems more fun for me.
But you could start up the Remix business and we could fight over customers!
Level 28 Chipist
post #17546 :: 2011.11.11 10:12am
somebody is jelous!... but... i have made soem domations! :DDDD thx for those remastering :X
Level 27 chipist
post #17547 :: 2011.11.11 10:22am
remaster this! >:\/( )E >:/\( )E >:\/( )E >:/\( )E >:\/( )E >:/\( )E >:\/( )E >:/\( )E >:\/( )E >:/\( )E >:\/( )E >:/\( )E >:\/( )E >:/\( )E

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