Sample Pack Contest XVI is starting! 📂
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 31 Chipist
hello! i am hosting the 16th installment of Sample Pack Contest, and i hope to see many of you join, whether you've done it before or not!

the idea is basically identical to the remix format on here, which was the inspiration for me starting the "sample pack series" OHBs. you must make music using the samples in the pack as your ONLY sound sources. manipulation of the samples, DSP effects, etc are all more than welcome, you just cannot use other sounds.

you can read all about it here, as well as find info about previous contests:

right now we are in the sample submission phase. sample submission is open until end-of-day Tuesday, October 26th in Eastern Time! read up on the guidelines on the webpage and send me your cool sounds. (crucially, you can send in one sample up to 8.0 seconds long)

once the sample pack is out, there'll be about 2.5 months to make as much music as you desire. (the deadline will be in mid-January) then there is a ~2wk voting phase, and someone wins! :wow:

hope to see y'all there - we've had quite a few BotBrs join up in the last handful of contests already, but i thought posting a bulletin would achieve max visibility, and i'd love to see a great turnout <3
Level 31 Chipist
post #148173 :: 2021.10.25 8:41am
  vogado liēkd this
there's about a day and a half left to send in samples for this! feel free to send in something, whether you plan on making music for the contest or not : )
Level 31 Chipist
post #148233 :: 2021.10.26 9:47pm
  argarak, vogado and cabbage drop liēkd this
WOW the sample pack is available now!! if you want to make music for the contest, the deadline is end-of-day Friday, January 14th, 2022 in Eastern Time, and you can download all 61 (!) samples here:

read the rules and guidelines here:

thanks to everyone who sent in sounds! <3 this'll be my last post here in the thread until close to the deadline.
Level 31 Chipist
post #150932 :: 2022.01.13 3:45pm
  nitrofurano and Lincent liēkd this
just wanted to mention that the Sample Pack Contest XVI deadline is tomorrow night! even if you haven't done anything yet, you could always OHB out an entry or two between now and then ; )

voting will be available shortly after the deadline too, and open for a couple weeks. your votes would all be welcome, whether you participated in the rest of the contest or not.

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