Next/Previous Entry Buttons on finished battles ....
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 31 Chipist
post #146169 :: 2021.09.02 5:12pm
  numbers, Aether09, Xaser and argarak liēkd this
... should link to the next entry by score, not id.

okay lemme explain.
currently, on a random xhb entry (this one maybe: )
you can go to the next and previous entry on the page, but it will lead to the next entry by ID.
BUT!!! a new botb update changed the radio playlist for finished battles to let them start at the rank1 entry and go down until the last rank. i think it would make more sense to have the next/prev buttons link to the next entry by score, rather than id, so that u can go from entry page to entry page while listening to the playlist in order (WHICH IS WHAT I AM DOING FOR OVER THREE YEARS NOW AND IT KILLS MY WORKFLOW , PUKE HELP AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Level 29 Hostist
post #146256 :: 2021.09.04 3:00pm
  kleeder liēkd this
ok -- this has def drove me nuts in the past

i would click on the winning entry of an xhb and i'd be somewhere in the middle of the battle instead of able to go through the rest easily

so i went ahead and did what you wanted after a battle is over

the thing is -- now the next/prev buttons during a live battle feel backwards!!! :U
Level 29 Hostist
post #146377 :: 2021.09.05 6:33pm
just to clarify:

during entry phase the newest entry is at the top of the entries tab so maybe the next button on entry pages should actually go to the next less recent submission

during voting period prev/next buttons should probably go the same way they always have

after battle ends next entry would be the next ranked entry
^ already done

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