Request: Hidden Posts
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 31 Chipist
post #139875 :: 2021.04.05 3:21pm
  MelonadeM, mk7 and nitrofurano liēkd this
i think if an admin hides a post, other users should at least see a small message with [There was post here, but it was removed by an admin] or something like that
Level 29 Chipist
post #139876 :: 2021.04.05 3:28pm
  Galgox, ASIKWUSpulse, Xyz, mk7, raphaelgoulart and Doxic liēkd this
and being able to read the content of the message for figuring out the context of it (i hope this message will be not censored by saying it! ;p )
Level 31 Chipist
post #139886 :: 2021.04.05 6:46pm
  ASIKWUSpulse, kleeder and Tilde liēkd this
this kind of already "exists" in a sense, because if a post is hidden, there is visibly more space between the messages where it once was (possibly margins are still applied to it)
Level 24 Chipist
post #139895 :: 2021.04.05 11:23pm
^ WAOW this information expands the botb arg significantly
Level 31 Chipist
post #139896 :: 2021.04.05 11:26pm
  MelonadeM liēkd this
i know about the space between posts (its a bug) but a line of text would make it more obvious c:
Level 29 Chipist
post #139910 :: 2021.04.06 4:12am :: edit 2021.04.06 5:11am
  2a03fox liēkd this
  MelonadeM hæitd this
perhaps having there some buttons "stealing" some boons each time a curious botbr try to see what is there? and another idea: messages hidden by kleeder only being hidden when kleeder is online! ;p
Level 25 Chipist
post #139915 :: 2021.04.06 6:51am
  MelonadeM and nitrofurano liēkd this
#139886: where's the :O reaction-button? I had no idea that was a thing. Very sneaky hint
Level 23 Chipist
post #139928 :: 2021.04.06 11:12am
  goluigi liēkd this
[Admin ashamed of what this n00b written. -- BotB]
Level 29 Hostist
post #139930 :: 2021.04.06 11:16am
  Tilde and damifortune liēkd this
there is a space between every post
if a post is hidden then there is an extra spacer
if a post is hidden then its hidden
idk why if a rando drops an n-bomb why we should tell everyone that
like, a post has to be pretty bad to be hidden
do we really need "asshole" signs where the holes are?
Level 23 Chipist
post #139932 :: 2021.04.06 11:19am :: edit 2021.04.06 11:19am
think it's more to tell people why thread says it has 10 posts when only 5 are visible, although I think a better way to do it is have something at the very bottom that just says [5 Posts have been hidden]

although, I suppose an even better solution is to account for hidden posts when showing the post count next to the bulletin thread
Level 29 Hostist
post #139945 :: 2021.04.06 11:35am
  DevEd, Xaser, TristEndo, nitrofurano, Jakerson, Tilde, damifortune, kleeder, argarak, goluigi and MelonadeM liēkd this
what hidden posts?
Level 31 Chipist
post #139957 :: 2021.04.06 12:31pm
  Baron Knoxburry and MelonadeM liēkd this
  nitrofurano hæitd this
oh i obviously didnt want to support this kind of behaviour or a way to check if someone said dumb things (or what the dumb thing was).
only situation where this might be helpful is when a big discussion happens and one or two comments are hidden for whatever reason. if people already replied to the hidden posts for example, its probably confusing for people who arent aware of the extra space and just try to follow the thread.
Level 27 Chipist
post #139970 :: 2021.04.06 4:59pm
  nitrofurano and Jakerson liēkd this
what the hell happened
Level 23 Chipist
post #139972 :: 2021.04.06 5:58pm
  nitrofurano hæitd this
when the thread is a little snussy 😏😏😏😏😏🤣🤣🤣😂😂😆😂🤣🤣😂😆😆 im sorry
Level 29 Chipist
post #139988 :: 2021.04.07 2:01am :: edit 2021.04.07 2:05am
my post wasn't too bad for being hidden, it only shown a weblink explaining why spotify isn't cool at all - humbly i was trying to help with transparency and scrutiny, i struggle a lot to understand what is so bad in that (and i hope this comment will not get hidden as well...)
Level 31 Chipist
post #139991 :: 2021.04.07 5:24am
  Yung Gotenks, Baron Knoxburry, argarak and MelonadeM liēkd this
it was hidden because i didnt want 1000 more people replying to it in the same thread (i also said that in my reply) and that u can easily start your own thread about it if you want (which is also what i said in my reply).

and please dont act like almost all you do and say will get punished and censored on here (like you have a checklist of getting ailments in your profile bio together with other stuff and you constantly say things like "wow hopefully i dont get mummi for this" "wow hope this comment will not get hidden"). was your comment hidden for "saying the truth about spotify"? no. it was hidden because it moves the focus away from sharing a collaborative community-effort with other people to bashing a big corporation.

maybe, before you think everything you do and say will get punished on here, keep in mind which information and uploaded content is suited and fitting for a site/community, where we try to focus on finetuning our skills, sharing creative works and having a good time together.
Level 29 Chipist
post #140013 :: 2021.04.07 10:06am
  MelonadeM hæitd this
you know, as most of we are eventually getting ailments, or getting messages hidden, from unclear, unexplained or unknown reasons, most of we start to naturally always count with the worst, which i humbly think might break the flow from the community from the other side - this is what i humbly think, and i think that some of us might share this viewpoint as well - i might be wrong, perhaps...
Level 29 Hostist
post #140014 :: 2021.04.07 10:24am
  raphaelgoulart, MelonadeM, argarak and kleeder liēkd this
how's this for transparency:

i don't feel like spending my time implementing this request

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