Hosting my very first battle!!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 27 Chipist
post #129294 :: 2020.10.27 3:58pm
  Jakerson, zenkusa, Viravax, damifortune, Razerek, sean, RadamLee, mirageofher, CastleNes, hanna and Michael Frank liēkd this
Hey BotB! I've never hosted a battle before and thought it was about time I did! I particularly enjoy the 4 Hour format, but I'm not quite badged up for that yet. So, for my inaugural battle, I wanted to plan a super fun 2HB wildchip that works for as many people's time zone as possible! Let me know if you're interested in joining, what time zone you're in and what day/time you'd prefer. I'm excited!
Level 31 Chipist
post #129302 :: 2020.10.27 5:36pm
  hanna, kgb525 and mirageofher liēkd this
am absolutely interested, am in Pacific time zone, and am generally good with whatever time other than the weekly battles i host (7pm Pacific Fri & Sat) and the weekly battle hanna hosts (4pm Pacific Sun)
Level 29 Mixist
post #129304 :: 2020.10.27 6:00pm
  kgb525 liēkd this
aah i'm usually in the pacific side as well, and expect to stay put here for about a month or two. definitely interested, yet i am still not sure of specific timing... XD
hopefully it would be soon, because i know the schedules as they come close.
Level 21 Chipist
post #129306 :: 2020.10.27 6:06pm
  kgb525 liēkd this
I'm in the central timezone and I'm usually available throughout the day :) It's the mid to late evenings I struggle with, but either way I'lll try to find a way to pop in c:
Level 23 XHBist
post #129307 :: 2020.10.27 6:06pm
  kgb525 liēkd this
Yay first battle! I will try to join of course. I can join during the time where Hum use to be hosted, or before, but I can do a battle after that hour. Too late in the night for that^^
Level 27 Chipist
post #129308 :: 2020.10.27 6:11pm
  Viravax liēkd this
Awesome!! I am tentatively thinking about Thursday at 4:00pm CST. I'll wait to hear from a few more potential peeps then I'll schedule it. Thanks everyone.
Level 21 Chipist
post #129309 :: 2020.10.27 6:14pm
  kgb525 liēkd this
if its at 4 on thursday, I can't attend sadly. That's the one day I have to go into the office and I won't get home till about 5:30 :( but if it works for everyone else, please do it then. I can always catch the next one :)
Level 27 Chipist
post #129313 :: 2020.10.27 6:54pm
  damifortune liēkd this
Alright, the battle is set for Thursday at 4:00pm CST! Can't wait to see you all theeeeere!
Level 25 Chipist
post #129314 :: 2020.10.27 7:09pm
  kgb525 liēkd this
Sadly I usually have work 9-5 PST on M-F and it's not remote. I'm sure you will have rocking good time though!
Level 32 Chipist
post #129332 :: 2020.10.28 2:32am
  kgb525 liēkd this
looking forward to it!
Level 24 Chipist
post #129557 :: 2020.10.30 10:04am
HEY, don't forget to get into discord or IRC chats in order to keep in touch with the battlers!
Level 27 Chipist
post #129572 :: 2020.10.30 11:26am :: edit 2020.10.30 11:27am
This was yesterday Tilde, and fear not, I was in there. :)

What an amazing battle that was! Thank you everyone for making such dope music.

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