vocals format
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 29 Hostist
post #125444 :: 2020.08.17 5:35pm
  Zillah, Post-retro, azurglade, garvalf, Doxic, Jakerson, petet and CastleNes liēkd this
I've thought about adding a VOCALS format for a really long time. It's basically the same as ALLGEAR, but you have to include a voice speaking or singing( or making mouth noises I guess?).

The biggest question for me is if it can use voice synthesis. I personally would prefer if it had to be human voice. Voice synthesis is cool and all, but forcing people to use their own mouths could be a really grand unification!
Level 24 Chipist
post #125445 :: 2020.08.17 5:44pm
  RazerBlue6 liēkd this
Vocaloid and other faux vocals are such a huge musical component that I imagine there'd be a giant gulf left if vocals couldn't include them, but I also have trouble imagining them having their own format. I think vocals are such a difficult thing to get right that allowing "cheat" vocals might have to be necessary to get people on board.
Level 31 Chipist
post #125446 :: 2020.08.17 5:46pm :: edit 2020.08.17 5:48pm
  azurglade and garvalf liēkd this
i was basically waiting for this thread to share all my opinions on this:

first of all, i dont think the format is necessary, because it can always be achieved by hosting allgear with "use voice" rule - but then again, its not like im AGAINST a new format lol

i think voice synthesis shouldnt be allowed. or: not only. i think that your entry has to feature your own (or a friends (but not sampled stuff from the net)) voice somehow. if you add voice synthesis on top then thats fine. but using it exclusively is bad.

ohb anonymity will be a problem here? on the other hand, maybe not. its not like most people cant tell who made which entry anyway already.

can we please have a rap battle if the format gets added? like a real one?
oh wait, that needs tournamens in the first place... oh well.... okay, can we please have a serious rap battle as soon as tournaments are added?
would be sick af.

another question: while visual and instruemntal music is usually without a language barrier, vocals are. do entries have to be in english? (or the vocals, i mean). how much of an impact do the vocals have? is it more like how do they sound in teh music or is it the stuff you say?
(this is more like a general thing , espeically for ohb hosts i guess. but also for voters. how do i vote on an entry i cant understand because its in [language i dont speak?])

Level 30 Chipist
post #125448 :: 2020.08.17 5:47pm
  Post-retro, xterm and kleeder liēkd this
I feel like even if it is illegal by itself, using voice synthesis alongside more human vocals shouldn't be, as it would be no different to taking the role of a regular synth in that situation.
Level 14 Mixist
post #125453 :: 2020.08.17 9:08pm
  xterm liēkd this
aww hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll yes, cran format
Level 28 Chipist
post #125454 :: 2020.08.17 9:25pm
another problem is, not everyone has got access to a microphone.
Level 24 Chipist
post #125455 :: 2020.08.17 9:57pm
  now_its_dark and xterm liēkd this
well...I was thinking more about the limitations of some people's vocal ability, BUT I will share a secret: everyone has a microphone. your speakers or headphones can be used as a microphone very easily as long as your computer has a mic jack.
Level 22 Playa
post #125457 :: 2020.08.17 10:15pm
  Post-retro and kleeder liēkd this

the meaning of vocals is relevant, but not the only thing to consider when judging a piece. it's totally possible to love a song in a language one doesn't speak. (in fact, the mystery can sometimes even add something, imho.)

as an entrant, you might want to consider when many voters won't understand you, but you also might not :) in majors you could always post an english translation, if you feel it's important for the listener to know. you could even do it in XHBs by submitting a zip, if you really want!

the point is, it's all just part of the piece. voters will (as always) judge it on subjective criteria, and that's exactly the way it should be. certain battles could be limited to certain languages (i have a vague recollection of an old battle requiring the composer to include vocals in a language they DON'T know, actually)... but the format itself should not place any such restrictions.

also - obviously i support the rap battle idea :P
Level 21 Criticist
post #125463 :: 2020.08.17 10:50pm
  Post-retro, azurglade, OminPigeonMaster, Doxic, Yung Gotenks, CastleNes and xterm liēkd this
People not having access to equipment, programs, and knowledge hasn't stopped formats existing before.
Level 23 XHBist
post #125470 :: 2020.08.18 12:56am
I will not do that (vocals) exexpt collab, but rap battle are already a thing, and using vocals can be hard in an OBH. A format that require/reward this? Seems a good idea.
About vocaloid, depends if we want to reward the performing or the lyrics. I would like to see more vocaloid too, but people wanting "fair" battle or vocals will probably think vocaloid is ""easier"" and not fair. Vocaloid have allgear, wildchip, ...
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #125507 :: 2020.08.18 1:14pm
  Post-retro, tennisers, OminPigeonMaster and xterm liēkd this
Here is my entry from that OHB battle where you had to sing in a language you don't understand: https://battleofthebits.com/arena/Entry/regnb%C3%A5ge+bl%C3%A5san.mp3/11425/

^ I perform this song at 95% of my live shows.

I would say language doesn't matter at all. You can do a whole song with layered accapella and not have any lyrics. Just grunts and mouthed farty sounds. Or simulate real world instruments. I would rather folks were forced to do creative things with their mouths rather than labor over a singing/talking cornputer thing-a-ma-jig.
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #125509 :: 2020.08.18 1:21pm
  Jakerson liēkd this
i say IF we're making new formats here may as well go all in and split them into "synth vocals" and "organic vocals"
Level 18 Mixist
post #125517 :: 2020.08.18 4:09pm
  Post-retro, CastleNes, tennisers and xterm liēkd this
Is this a backdoor confirm for A Capella Major?
Level 24 Chipist
post #125518 :: 2020.08.18 4:32pm
  insertkey, Tilde and xterm liēkd this
Voices are just a series of sine waves going up and down in pitch in a certain way
Level 22 Playa
post #125519 :: 2020.08.18 4:54pm :: edit 2020.08.18 4:56pm

Is that a backdoor request for Amen Sin V? :3
Level 24 Mixist
post #125522 :: 2020.08.19 1:40am
I sing like the angels. (That's what my neighbours say when they find a gap between denunciation and denunciation).
Level 31 Chipist
post #125523 :: 2020.08.19 1:41am
  xterm and CastleNes liēkd this
Is that a backdoor request for backdoor requests? :O
Level 24 Chipist
post #125524 :: 2020.08.19 3:05am
  doctorn0gloff liēkd this
Is that a ivmin7 bVII7 I?
Level 17 Playa
post #125526 :: 2020.08.19 5:46am :: edit 2020.08.19 5:55am
Digital recordings of voices are just a series of pulse waves going up and down in pitch a certain way

Hence, they are in fact fakebit

I feel bad for troll-commenting, but my stance is: I don't think we need it, because allgear exists and specifics like "rap", "voice synth" etc are handled on a compo to compo basis

But if an all-encompassing vocal format should be included, please call it "vocall" to go with the theme
Level 28 Chipist
post #125530 :: 2020.08.19 7:32am
  Tilde liēkd this
Is there a distinction between providing vocals specific to the battle and just acquiring vocal samples for use in the format
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #125531 :: 2020.08.19 8:15am
  Zillah, BubblegumOctopus, Tilde and kleeder liēkd this
I think it should be:
"Your entry must include an original recording of a human voice."
Level 23 XHBist
post #125532 :: 2020.08.19 8:21am
Gotoandplay: It is my own opinion, but if modern allgear can produce something that sounds like old school hardware chiptune, a nsf format goal is to ask people to do it the old way. Doing it with vst, sample etc is cheating (in this format, again). So a vocal format should probably require creating new vocals, made for this particular battlle. Using pre-made vocale, vocaloid or else is probably more in allgear/wildchip.
This way, a "vocall" winner will be someone using is voice and creating lyrics, rather than someone who possess pro-quality vocals recorded in studio :)
That means I will probably not win any battle in this format, but if I do one day, I will be proud of it!
Or doing collab! There is already some people I want to collab with for some vocals :p
Level 24 Chipist
post #125602 :: 2020.08.20 5:03am
  Baron Knoxburry liēkd this
My earlier comment was actually kinda dumb because it equates "vocals" with "singing", and it seems like this is gonna be a way more broad format than that
Level 19 Chipist
post #125628 :: 2020.08.20 1:27pm
  CastleNes and Baron Knoxburry liēkd this
I love to sing and to accompany my voice with all sorts of sounds. I know not everyone may have access to good equipment for recording vox. But I guess that's sort of the nature of musicmaking? Sometimes you don't have fancy equipment and that's that.
Level 24 Mixist
post #125634 :: 2020.08.20 5:17pm
  Baron Knoxburry liēkd this
i do a lto of vocal stuff anyway but i think i would really enjoy being pitted against other voices more. sometimes feels silly to be the only guy singing in the ohb

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