Current server info:
Address: syniphas.bounceme.net
Version: ??? (Last known version
Download: http://64pixels.org
Current helpful links:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9435923/tutoriel.png OR http://64pixels.org/mods.html for changing yer player char/color
Syniphas, GreaseMonkey (and more recently myself) have become involved in a game called 64pixels by Asiekierka. It's pretty much like Minecraft's collab/explore/whatever mode except it's ANSI art. It's pretty cool once you get the hang of it!
You can download the Java .jar file here:
Syniphas seems to be doing most of the hosting right now. To connect to his server, use "syniphas.bounceme.net" as the address!
Have fun!! Make a room for yerself! :-)))
Address: syniphas.bounceme.net
Version: ??? (Last known version
Download: http://64pixels.org
Current helpful links:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9435923/tutoriel.png OR http://64pixels.org/mods.html for changing yer player char/color
Syniphas, GreaseMonkey (and more recently myself) have become involved in a game called 64pixels by Asiekierka. It's pretty much like Minecraft's collab/explore/whatever mode except it's ANSI art. It's pretty cool once you get the hang of it!
You can download the Java .jar file here:
Syniphas seems to be doing most of the hosting right now. To connect to his server, use "syniphas.bounceme.net" as the address!
Have fun!! Make a room for yerself! :-)))