feature request: admins should be able to close 0-entry-xhbs
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 32 Chipist
post #124416 :: 2020.08.02 4:25pm
  null1024, Lincent and tennisers liēkd this
i know it really doesnt happen often, but if a xhb is getting 0 entries, there is no way to just close it and move on, because "there are no votes to tally"(obviously because there are no entries to vote on) and you cant close without tally. so its up to sysops (aka puke7) everytime to do it.
a simple button that only appears after 30 mins (when the late submit period is over) and there are still 0 entries, which can be used to close and forget about the battle, would be helpful.
i know the title says admins, but i dont see a reason why the host shouldnt be able to do it as well lol
Level 21 Chipist
post #124427 :: 2020.08.02 11:32pm
  tennisers, Tilde, Blue_Christmas and kleeder liēkd this
Why not auto close xhbs with no entries after late turn in period?
Level 32 Chipist
post #124429 :: 2020.08.03 1:40am
  tfx liēkd this
lol youre right, that makes more sense
Level 30 Chipist
post #124444 :: 2020.08.03 5:32am
  kleeder and Tilde liēkd this
you can get the "close votes"/"finalize" url from another active xhb and plug in the xhb id into it to close/finalize it until this gets implemented btw
Level 21 Criticist
post #124517 :: 2020.08.03 4:38pm
  kleeder, tfx, Xaser, telebasher and Tilde liēkd this
It should close out with a 20pt bold


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