Don't feed the mono (an mexican chiptune release album)
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 23 Mixist
post #120107 :: 2020.05.07 12:15pm
  Quirby64 liēkd this
First official EP of the Mexican Chiptune / grime project Sonido Calzeta with some songs that were not officially shared and were not compiled into a single album, a project created by Nestor Ovilla, Mishel Domenssain & Stefan Nafets in 2012. Dont Feed the official monkey compiling songs unpublished that were touched in some of their presentations in CDMX and Chiapas.

Voice: Mishel Domenssain
Master: Nestor ovilla & Stefan Nafets
Chiptune: Crab Sound

Listen here: Don't feed the mono
Level 21 Criticist
post #120145 :: 2020.05.08 8:11am
  crabbandicoot liēkd this
not a huge fan of the punk styled vocals. Savage womans sounded really cool.

Ending track reminds me of Peer - Dances (super nice album if ya don't know)

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