thoughts on "finishing" ohb entries
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 30 Mixist
post #119023 :: 2020.04.12 8:25am
  Robyn liēkd this
What do people think about working more on ohb entries after you're done with them, or using them as a base for future things?
Level 30 Chipist
post #119024 :: 2020.04.12 8:28am
  tennisers liēkd this
It sounds like a good idea, can fully flesh out a concept that way
Level 32 Chipist
post #119025 :: 2020.04.12 9:31am
  tennisers, xterm and tonreihe liēkd this
back in 2018, i made a "mashup" 9 minute thing containing most of my favorite ohb entries merged into one track. (worked because all the entries sounded kinda the same lol)
apart from that, i never really worked on or with my ohb tracks after i submitted them tbh...
i still wanna drop compilations with my "best" ohb tracks sorted by year on bandcamp but im too lazy currently to look through all of them.

BUT! phil (tripplep) made some entries for ohbs but didnt submit them (because he was too late or not happy etc etc) and we extended them afterwards and turned them into full major battle entries. one example for that is our sexmodit gauntlet entry "talking about drugs".

apart from that: im pretty sure im reusing a lot of my ideas anyway, even if its unintentional haha. i noticed that with this ohb entry (0:25) and this major battle entry (1:37) where i used a very similar melody and only realized it after submitting lmao

i had the idea of a "remixing old ohb ideas"-major battle over one year ago. could be interesting and also give the opportunity to give ohb entries a bit more representation on this site
Level 28 Chipist
post #119026 :: 2020.04.12 9:32am
  tennisers liēkd this
I actually did this once with "legend of 2004 TB.nsf" after the OHB was over:
It's also the latest I've ever submitted an OHB entry, and the only reason it wasn't penalized is that it pre-dates the implementation of late penalties. I have five others (all of them also not penalized for being late due to pre-dating the penalty) that were also submitted late.

I also have plans for at least one other OHB entry of mine:
Level 28 Chipist
post #119030 :: 2020.04.12 2:46pm
  azurglade, tennisers, Robyn and Tilde liēkd this
a very large percentage of my musical output is something i did in an hour.. and then spent an extra hour on (sometimes more!)

all musical ideas deserve a little love, even the bad ones! ..which, yeah, sums up too much of my process..
Level 21 Criticist
post #119032 :: 2020.04.12 4:42pm
  A-zu-ra, tennisers, YQN and Tilde liēkd this
It is good. Sometimes, an hour is not enough.
Level 16 Chipist
post #119033 :: 2020.04.12 5:13pm
  tennisers liēkd this
I've made a full song based on a rushed OHB loop once because I only had about 2 minutes when I rushed just for the lulz.

This is what it became a few days later
Level 26 Chipist
post #119041 :: 2020.04.13 4:28am
  azurglade, tennisers, VinsCool and kleeder liēkd this
OHBs pretty much force you to go with an idea in the end, which makes them special. Sometimes the ideas go really well, othertimes they suxx0rz but still it can be loads of fun.
I originally thought of doing an album of my OHB tunes but extended. Instead I ended up making full versions of just a couple on my second album.
Level 28 Mixist
post #119076 :: 2020.04.13 11:10pm
  tennisers, VinsCool and kleeder liēkd this
I can't remember any specific tunes off the top of my head that I've extended after the ohb, but it certainly has happened. Also not sure if I've released any of the extended things, but at some point that must've happened as well :D
Level 31 Chipist
post #119077 :: 2020.04.14 2:01am
  tennisers, VinsCool and kleeder liēkd this
It certainly happens here as well, sometimes I stumble on an OHC entry I made many years ago, and think "oh, well I can fuck that up more."
I'm a raging re-re-re-remixer/re-re-re-tweaker, and proud.
Level 24 Chipist
post #119082 :: 2020.04.14 11:48am
  tennisers and VinsCool liēkd this
Musicking often requires more than one hour, especially if you're not keffie.
Level 30 Mixist
post #119096 :: 2020.04.15 2:47am
I've gone back and revised many an OHB tune, and I usually link it in the comments if I have. I think it's a great thing to do!
Level 30 Mixist
post #119097 :: 2020.04.15 2:48am
actually, some of the tunes on my albums over the years have been just very polished-up versions of OHB tunes!
Level 28 Chipist
post #119160 :: 2020.04.18 2:04am
  Savestate, tennisers and Jakerson liēkd this
ive never done it
Level 27 Mixist
post #119163 :: 2020.04.18 2:42am
  VinsCool, tennisers, Xaser and Xyz liēkd this
i think it's pretty normal to get to the end of an ohb and to feel like you haven't fully explored the idea you were working on! an hour is not a long time
Level 24 Mixist
post #119464 :: 2020.04.20 12:45am
  tennisers, kleeder and xterm liēkd this
i think a lot of my ohbs are my best work but a lot of times reopening a book i already "finished" in a sense just like, doesnt feel right. i dont usually understand what was going through my head when i revisit an old idea --the thread is broken-- though i do like to rip the vocals out of my allgear OHBs and remix them
Level 26 Mixist
post #119503 :: 2020.04.20 7:09pm
  kleeder liēkd this
I think this would be a good idea for me to "un-azuracore" some of my "azuracore" songs

...yes, "azuracore" is still a title of personal shame for me because i feel like it defines my style as being nothing but layering stuff and keeping things too safe and boring

if and when this happens, i'll be sure to release them under a common title when i release it all as an album. something like, idk...

Battle ReWorks

Level 16 Chipist
post #119568 :: 2020.04.22 3:42am
Reminds me of when I'm told that everything I try to do sounds like pirate music lol

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