VICious Cycle - VIC-20 musicdisk
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 30 Chipist
post #13124 :: 2010.04.07 3:59pm
something new, something (re)cycled. thrown together in a week or two for the kicks. download from: (~ 32 Mb)
Level 23 Chipist
irrlicht project
post #13136 :: 2010.04.09 7:17am
as i already said, i think this is an awesome release, aside from the fact that it's not really a musicdisk.
Level 30 Chipist
post #13180 :: 2010.04.12 3:43am
I'm gonna look into converting/delivering the stuffs into executable format (if I can get it to work without major issues). no promises however, probably about 3 people have or are going to ever listen to this, so I'm not going to sweat too much over it. ;P
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #13182 :: 2010.04.12 10:25am
Damn, reminds me I got a laptop from my radio station job old and new enough to handle my C64HDD cable/software thing. My sister's old PII tower is kind of a pain. I don't know *NIX worth a damn so I never got that executable converter to work and the developer didn't seem very interested in helping out. The whole thing is a wash as it requires memory expansion anyways.

Really like the album, man! But I also believe I'd be happy listening to the VIC do just about anything. xD

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