tinymusik megadisck
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 27 chipist
post #13076 :: 2010.03.29 11:26pm
it'd be fun to have a long-term collab in progress :D

my idea is that we just keep writing albums and EPs that fit into NSFs or GBSs or other multisong chip formats until we collectively have so many that they fill up an entire floppy disk and then release them as a huge splurge of music all in go... maybe in disk format! both as a fun community thing and as an antidote to too many people releasing a nine minute EP and trying to make people pay for it xD

Tristendo's sixty-four song NSF idea is similar to this and it'd be nice if we combined forces!

if anyone feels like zis'd be fun, zen reply!
Level 24 Chipist
post #13077 :: 2010.03.29 11:54pm
Level 23 Chipist
post #13078 :: 2010.03.30 4:24am
sounds awesome. how do you write multi-song GBS?
Level 24 Chipist
post #13079 :: 2010.03.30 8:06am
Teh fun. Count me in, I guess?!?!

Also, Strobe nsfs do not fit on floppies
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #13080 :: 2010.03.30 9:21am
im always down with working together, nice idea! :D
Level 16 OHCist
Soiled Bargains
post #13081 :: 2010.03.30 2:26pm
What kind if floppy disk would we be talking about? 3 1/2 inch? 5 1/4 inch?
Level 16 OHCist
Soiled Bargains
post #13082 :: 2010.03.30 2:27pm
What kind of floppy disk are we talking about here? 3 1/2 inch? 5 1/4 inch?
Level 27 chipist
post #13083 :: 2010.03.30 3:24pm :: edit 2010.03.30 3:27pm
haha yeah Ziberia.nsf means the project would start and end on the same day. i suppose we all need to be careful about ze amount of space the files take up - i know you can get 15 minutes of listenable music in a 32k NSF because i've done it :D perhaps we could use BotB standard comp sizes, ie 8k and 48k XMs, 32k NSFs and all zat?

and yeah a 3 1/2" floopy which is the standard i remember. the only thing i used 5 1/4"s for was to play very old text adventures =)

also a project like this could possibly need an autoexecutable menu?
Level 24 Chipist
post #13084 :: 2010.03.30 5:03pm
auto menu means not cross platform :( unless he is java or something
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #13085 :: 2010.03.31 10:03am
Instead of an autoexec menu maybe there should be a demo on the disk explaining teh craktroness of it all... I mean, when yer talking 1.44mb you can fit a lot of chip stuff on there!
Level 19 Chipist
Modus Ponens
post #13086 :: 2010.03.31 11:57am
I love it. I don't even have a floppy drive anymore, but I love it.

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