BotBr statistics
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 16 OHCist
Soiled Bargains
post #13065 :: 2010.03.29 2:25pm
BotB needs statistics.

To answer common questions like:
What percentage of OHCs has null1024 hosted?
Who has made the most tin cans?
Who has won the most compos (inb4 Strobe)?
Who has made the most semissions (;O)?

There should bre ptreey charts n' stuff. BotB needs moar waffle chartz to feed teh strobey.
Level 28 Chipist
post #13066 :: 2010.03.29 2:33pm
Oh, sure, pick on me why don't you? :P

I'm surprised we don't have stuffs like this already though.
Level 29 Hostist
post #13068 :: 2010.03.29 2:55pm
I was looking at flot today...

I also need to come up with a general stat table. I haven't done this because the amount of data it would generate. But, what the hell, we could give it a try...

id, botbr_id, date, type, amount

The interface would have to be dynamic, generating from a static list of things to view. But, I agree, seeing your daily points and boons earnings in a graph would be nice. I really need to stop conceptualizing the cache system and get to interfacing it within the framework so I can practice with it. I want to keep the db lean and flat file all static data.

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