Level 27 Renderist
post #109729 ::
2019.04.14 3:01pm
Slimeball, gotoandplay, DCT Master, Savestate, argarak and kleeder liēkd this
Slimeball, gotoandplay, DCT Master, Savestate, argarak and kleeder liēkd this
so since nobody had previously set this up, someone asked me to put up a post for this~!
tfx is getting cozy and full of merry cheer for the first wave of streaming~~~~~!!!!
he will take care of doing doom, tic80, and visual arts!!!! if he cares about doing other music stuff then he'll do that too if maybe maybe if!!
tfx is getting cozy and full of merry cheer for the first wave of streaming~~~~~!!!!
he will take care of doing doom, tic80, and visual arts!!!! if he cares about doing other music stuff then he'll do that too if maybe maybe if!!