I'm looking for music theory tuts
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 11 Grafxicist
post #106800 :: 2019.01.22 6:57am
  MiDoRi and YQN liēkd this
Hey, anyone can hand me some guides over basic contents over composing and harmony?
Level 23 Pixelist
post #106801 :: 2019.01.22 7:39am :: edit 2019.01.22 7:39am
  NNOIZZ, YQN, Yung Gotenks and kleeder liēkd this
I'm a total noob at theory, but i mostly do ad-hoc checkups in Wikipedia whenever i want to grasp something. There's also this book, Harmony for Computer Musicians i have, which i never got around to read in its entirety, but it seems nice enough. Also we have a dedicated section here, in this very BotB's Lyceum too

This and this
Level 28 Mixist
post #106809 :: 2019.01.22 1:43pm
  MiDoRi, tennisers, YQN and NNOIZZ liēkd this
Open Music Theory
looks like a comprehensive textbook covering the sort of music theory you might study at a conservatory or college course, if that's the sort of thing you're looking for.
Level 11 Grafxicist
post #106812 :: 2019.01.22 3:05pm
  petet liēkd this
Thank fellas. And Petet, yeah kinda, I want to comprehend better how music is constructed.
Level 21 Criticist
post #106814 :: 2019.01.22 5:11pm
I'm looking for jazz theory tuts

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