OHCs are back!
BotB Academy News
Level 29 Hostist
post #11910 :: 2009.12.31 7:49pm
The One Hour Compo engine was rebuilt and made public 5 weeks ago. We've tested it 50 times already with really epic battles! Heck, 25 of these battles happened in the last week. :o

Though, I would say, the OHC engine is not 100% complete due to a technical backend problem. Recently, I realized that while BotB operates in your web browser in UTF-8 the server runs on ISO-8859. Don't know what that means? Let's say it creates many filename compatibility issues between your browser and the server. I have the solution in my brain, no implementation yet, but it will be nice to finally have all BotB entries in their proper places! :D/
Level 23 Renderist
post #11913 :: 2010.01.01 9:21pm
dec31st post? lol I'd hire you for website admin any day hahahaha! Though seriusly don't count on it, I got no monies XD

weird date string on the front page '12:00am 11/30/99' XD oh wells, not bothering any more any much. jappy new years and nice to read site developments ;D/
Level 27 Renderist
post #11916 :: 2010.01.02 6:20am
wildcard 4 lyfe
Level 29 Hostist
post #11918 :: 2010.01.02 9:09am
WACKY FILES is a damn cool ohc

But I don't think I'll be adding that new layer to interpret submissions under wildcard. Right now there is a format table, and BotB could do some great interpretive dancing if there was also a filetype table for a matrix of coagulation to take place. Unfortunately, I already have a to-do list that would make even the UN cry.

wildcard is for chiptunes / chipist points
allgear is for music / mixist points

if you want new, specific formats let me know

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