BotB Newsletter v11.25
BotB Academy News
Level 29 Hostist
post #11904 :: 2009.11.25 7:34pm :: edit 2009.12.30 4:36pm
Not Very Monthly Newsletter #2
The last big news was sent out this past July and we're now in November 2009! A few cool things happened since then, both with BotB and myself. I found a solid job guarding a door and stocking beer. A solid job means I can focus on fun things instead of worrying where the monies at! =D/

Ann Arbor 8 Remix Compo
It's that time again. Can you believe we've been at this for eight years? Me neither. But that's because I know it's a lie! Number 3 was actually a number 2.5, but seven years is still an immaculate record. Quantitavily speaking, of course.

We've got about a week to submit and select the 25 samples used in the 48 hour remixing period. First sample submission is free. Every submission after that costs more and more boons.

Remix Period :: THURSDAY DEC 3rd - FRIDAY DEC 4th
BotB's 8th Annual Ann Arbor Intergalactic
Remix Composition Competition Playback Party

Friday, Dec 11th ~9pm
@ Cafe Ambrosia
325 Maynard St.

BotB Aquires Dot Com
That's right! IT'S OURS NOW!!! MWaaaHAHAHAAHHA!! redirects to BotB rather than some 3 year old, unfinished film project (however that happened). Is this a good thing? It's better than a bad thing!

OHCs Have Returned
One Hour Compos have been out of commission since the big BotB 2.0 launch nearly an entire year ago. I have to thank all the chat n00bs, hanging in there on IRC, begging and waiting. Have to admit, it felt mostly a chore. But, in the end, BotB's general battle engine has been further modulated. This means BotB is closer to handling a variety of battle variations.

We've tested it a few times. It works. Except for some minor details. And, so, there are some minor details to work out still...

In closing...
I've had a notebook for a couple months, which has been rather handy. Especially, when I must stand attentively, guarding the door for the next brigand to cross my path. My mind does wonder. Notes get wrote. The cloudy dream grows in moderate detail.
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #11906 :: 2009.12.31 10:06am
lol this one is old too!!! =(
Level 19 Samplist
SBX 8000
post #11907 :: 2009.12.31 10:50am

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