BotB Newsletter v09.06
BotB Academy News
Level 29 Hostist
post #11902 :: 2009.09.06 7:12pm :: edit 2009.12.30 4:20pm
A newsletter?
If you are reading this then BotB must have figured how to make an SMTP connection and bypass the dreaded, limited php mail() command. I think the last time BotB sent out a mass email was over two years ago. And a lot has happened since then...

BotB 2.0 Launch
As many of you know, about two years ago I desired a complete retooling of Battle of the Bits. I had two main goals in mind -- 1) faster page loads and 2) greater user experience. With a great deal of blood, sweat, and tears, the new version launched 6 months ago.

Yes, the pages are loading faster, about 1000% faster than the old, clunky BotB. But the user experience has yet to really develop into my vision. I spend just as much time optimizing the back end code as I do developing BotB's interface. While the new look seems easier on the eyes and you can find javascript/AJAX functionality at play, the greater challenge has been discovering the best way to organize, save and retrieve data. "Form follows function," as they say.

Detroit V Remix Compo
The 5th annual Detroit 25 samples / 48 hours competition is under way. As of right now, there are two days left for sample submission and voting. The 48 hour remix period starts on Thursday, July 23rd at 6pm Eastern Standard Time.

The playback/showcase party will be at Cliff Bell's, 2030 Park Avenue in Detroit. This year we are taking a different route with the party: BotB is an opening act for Jamie Register and the Glendales CD release party rather than booking the whole night to ourselves. BotB only has one hour of stage time so Blank and I might not be able to play everyone's submissions. If you do submit a remix, and you are there, we'll ask you to tell us so we can make sure your track gets played on the house PA.

What the hell are 'boons'?
You may have noticed that submiting more than one sample to the remix compo costs boons. BotB has always strived to be a role playing game. The boons are an attempt at an economic system. Boons are awarded to your BotBr when others view or play your submissions on BotB. So, unlike experience points that are received for actions, boons are the reward for inspiring other BotBrs to explore BotB further.

Does anyone have an iPhone or iPod touch?
I've tried to add a defualt icon for Apple mobile browsers. By default, the Safari mobile browser will create a thumbnail (known as a 'Web Clip') 57x57 pixels in size. I checked what this default icon might look like using photoshop and it looks like a creepy little mess. So, can anyone tell me if BotB's custom Web Clip is working?

Money makes the world go round...
I've asked for donations before and I'm not afraid to do it now. Once again, I have added a PayPal donation button to BotB. For every US dollar you donate your BotBr will be awarded 10 boons. That's a good conersion rate! ...and the least I can do.

But better than just giving your money away you could <i>hire</i> me to build YOU a website of your own liking. Over the past two years I've had a very passionate journey through the perils of web development. Let my skills and experience assist your internet presence. For more info please check out

In closing...
How often will these newsletters appear? Hopefully, once a month, but only time shall tell. If you are curious about the work I've done on BotB recently then check There are many features on the horizon!! Unfortunately, programming eats time like no other.
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #11903 :: 2009.12.30 4:27pm
lol this post appears 4 month late xD

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