BotB 2.0 is COMPLETE!!
BotB Academy News
Level 29 Hostist
post #10925 :: 2009.04.01 6:41pm
jajjaja belated April Fool's!! =P I've spent the past couple days revamping the site, giving it a facelift. Songs, previously thought lost in Limbo, have returned. Both the Arena and BotBr Profiles now actually helps you find these old songs too!

Thanks to all who participated in Winter Chip IV!! Keeping BotB's engine up to speed throughout the compo was a bit overwhelming. I'm glad we pulled through with only a few negligible problems.

Next up : OHCs!!! All n00bz!! \=D/
Level 27 Chipist
post #10926 :: 2009.04.02 1:08am
Next up is SUMMER CHIP I

Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #10953 :: 2009.04.05 10:33am
I hope there'll be a buttload moar compos before summer!! =X

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